By Sudipta Ray on November 13, 2013
Ganga Mahotsav 2013, Ganges festival
Customs/Traditions, Featured, Miscellaneous

Ganga or The Ganges is one of the most prominent rivers of India and today we will discuss about a festivity which takes places annually in the city of Varanasi known as the Ganga Mahotsav or the Ganges Festival so let us learn about Ganga Mahotsav 2013. The water of river Ganges is supposed to […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on November 12, 2013
Japuji Saheb, Sikh Japji Sahib, Sikh religion
Featured, Miscellaneous, Saints & Deities, Spirituality

The Japuji Sahib or Japji Sahib can be easily termed to be a universal hymn. It was composed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji the founder of Sikh religion. The glory of Japji Sahib can be gauged from the words of Professor Puran Singh Ji – “JapuJi Sahib has in it the inimitable rhythm of life […]
By Vedantacharya Bhatt on November 9, 2013
Customs/Traditions, Featured, Miscellaneous

Do you know what is lucid dreaming and what is the art of inducing lucid dreams. If not then you must read this article to understand the concept and implement in your daily life. Lucid dreaming is an art that you can learn to make your life better. Many people have tried and tested this […]
By Sudipta Ray on October 31, 2013
Diwali pooja vidhi, Diwali Puja
Customs/Traditions, Featured, Miscellaneous

Diwali puja is a common puja that happens in every household on Diwali or the festival of lights. This year Diwali is being celebrated on 23rd October 2014.
By Vedantacharya Bhatt on October 25, 2013
auspicious times, November 2013
Customs/Traditions, Featured, Miscellaneous

As the Diwali weekend is approaching fast we thought that we will give a quick list of auspicious times when you can do the pujas and do material activities such as buying gold etc. These if followed will ensure that there is prosperity in your house and your coming year goes really well. This article […]
By usha on October 24, 2013
losing weight, weight loss, yoga poses
Featured, Miscellaneous, Yoga

In this article we will discuss yoga poses for weight loss and management. We live very busy lives and most of the day is spent in office sitting on a chair and looking at the computer. Where do we have the time to exercise and lose weight? The Role of Yoga Yoga is a good […]
By Sunil Trikha on October 23, 2013
learn yoga, online yoga, yoga teacher training
Featured, Miscellaneous, Yoga

We have already taken a look at the Himalayan Yoga Lineage whose main founder was Swami Rama of the Himalayas and also the description of one of the members who is also a guest contributor with Metaphysics Knowledge website. Further to that we are pleased to announce that a Yoga Teachers Training program is being […]
By Deepak Chopra on October 22, 2013
Diwali, Festival of lights, Hindu festivals
Customs/Traditions, Featured, Miscellaneous

Diwali or the festival of lights is one of the popular festivals celebrated across the length and breadth of India. It is coming on 3rd November in this year namely 2013.
By Pt Ram Dhiraj Mishra on October 20, 2013
Ancient Indian Text, Vedas, Vishnu Purana
Featured, Metaphysical Books, Miscellaneous

You must have surely heard about Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh as being the symbolic representations of trinity of nature but do you know about Vishnu Purana.
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on October 19, 2013
soham, Soham mantra, Soham meditation, vedic philosophy
Featured, Miscellaneous, Spirituality

‘Soham’ is an integral part of Vedic philosophy. It is the Sanskrit word for “I am He/That”. There is a line of thinking that believes that when a child comes in the universe he cries by making a sound ‘Koham’ to which the universe replies back ‘Soham’.