Kojagari Laksmi Puja Vrat Katha

We have already discussed about the Bengali Laksmi puja that is done after the Navratri festivals also known as the Kojagari Laksmi puja vrat katha.
We have already discussed about the Bengali Laksmi puja that is done after the Navratri festivals also known as the Kojagari Laksmi puja vrat katha.
What is Nadi Astrology? Nadi astrology or nadi reading is an ancient art to predict future of an individual. How Nadi ‘vidya’ The origin of nadi shastra is not known for sure but it is believed to have been composed by seven well known sages of ancient India – Agastya, Kaushika, Vyasa, Bohar, Bhrigu, Vasishtha […]
The Holy Bible is the most important scripture of the Christians and can be compared to the likes of Bhagwat Gita in Hinduism or the Holy Quran in Islam.
There are many customs and traditions which are prevalent since times immemorial. Specifically in the Hindu culture there is a long list of ceremonies which begin with birth right upto the last rites of the person
Astrology is ancient science and art and has been practiced since ages. It has also been observed that the heavenly objects not only effect human beings but other living forms like animals as well.
Navratris festivals are going on and we have published several posts related to worship of Goddess Durga and keeping fast and so forth. In today’s discussion we will take a look from the spiritual perspective and see the significance of worshiping Indian Goddess Durga during the navratris beyond the custom and tradition and also see […]
Vedic astrology says that there are 12 houses in astrology. These 12 houses are the astrology signs used in the birth chart by the astrologers to predict the future of a person through horoscope reading. We will now discuss each of these 12 houses and their significance in this article. The first house in the […]
Being the hardest stone a jeweler has to cut, diamond is also the hardest and very valuable stone found on our planet. Diamonds occupy a special place in gemstones related to astrology. A diamond can be worn by any one for ornamental purpose whoever can afford to buy them, but in astrology only some people […]
Spirituality is just a journey like any other with spiritual awakening as its goal. Similarly like any other branch of knowledge, one usually tends to learn to tread the path under the guidance of a person known as the spiritual Guru
Blue sapphire, also called Neelam in Hindi, is one of the most beautiful gemstones that you will come across. If you are planning to buy a Neelam then you must read this article as we are going to discuss how to identify if a Neelam stone is genuine?