By Vedantacharya Bhatt on September 19, 2013
astral charts, horoscope analysis, science behind astrology
Astrology, Editorial, Featured

Let us find out today if there is a science behind astrology or is it mere a gamut of stars made by money mongering people. At Metaphysics Knowledge, we tend to spread the knowledge about various facets including yoga, astrology, reiki, vaastu etc but we try our best to avoid superstitions and false beliefs and […]
By Deepak Chopra on September 18, 2013
gem astrology, gem availabilty, gem quality, Uses Of Zircon In Astrology
Featured, Gemstones, Miscellaneous

Gemstones have been used as a part of astrology since long. Many people say what can a stone do to the destiny of a person. We have been receiving constant requests to put up an article on detailed explained of the rationale or science behind it, if any. We intend to cater to this request […]
By ravi_abhishek on September 16, 2013
aura colour, aura purification
Featured, Miscellaneous, Strange but True

We have already discussed what aura is and how aura of another person can be seen. It is time to move on to the the next step and understand the meanings associated with different colors of the aura.
By Butler Usha on September 16, 2013
Ajmer Sharif, Nau Gaza Peer, Peer Baba Ji
Featured, Miscellaneous, Saints & Deities

A peer (also spelled as pir) refers to a spiritually advanced person and is given a very high reverence in society, or at least was given. There are several places of spiritual importance where the physical bodies of the peers are placed and that is considered a very sacred place. One such place of importance […]
By Deepak Chopra on September 14, 2013
free audio download, Sri Gayatri Mantra Significance
Featured, Miscellaneous, Spirituality

We have learnt about the power of sound and the mantras in a previous article. Although all mantras have their own special significance and can help in achievement of some desires like say the Sri Laxmi Pooja mantras for wealth, still some mantras are general in nature and hold the highest goal in mind, namely […]
By nishichawla on September 13, 2013
Onam festivals, Onam pictures
Customs/Traditions, Featured, Miscellaneous

Apart from several other festivals in the month of September, one prominent festival that this month will be witnessing is the Onam festival. This year it is going to be celebrated on 16th September 2013. Background of Onam Festival We will now tell you a little more about this popular festival of India. It is […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on September 12, 2013
dr dabholkar, faith, superstition
Editorial, Featured, Miscellaneous

Few Words About Dr Dabholkar Before going into the topic, we would like to say a few words about a man whose entire life was dedicated to the upliftment of society and the eradication of superstitions, so much so that we finally sacrificed his life for the sake of the mission he spearheaded for years. […]
By Deepak Chopra on September 12, 2013
mount of saturn, palm reading guide, palmistry signs
Featured, Miscellaneous, Palmistry

We learnt about the basics of Mount of Saturn in the previous article, now let us continue with that further in our palm reading guide series. Basically in this article the previous article has been extended to include the basic meaning of some of the commonly found shapes and signs on the Mount of Saturn. […]
By Mrs Manjeet Brar on September 10, 2013
know your future, mount of saturn, palm reading guide
Featured, Miscellaneous, Palmistry

The mount of Saturn can be located at the bottom of the middle finger on any palm. It is a very important and prominent mount from the astrological perspective.
By Deepak Chopra on September 10, 2013
face reading, forehead astrology, forehead lines, Lines On Forehead, Lines On Forehead - The Line Of Mysticism, physiognomist, Physiognomy, The Line Of Mysticism
Featured, Miscellaneous, Palmistry

We all know that our palms have lines that the astrologers read in order to understand our future. However, there are some lines on our forehead that too can be used for the same purpose. Forehead Lines: How Many? Very few of us actually know about these intricate lines. There are seven such lines on […]