Karma, Will Power, Destiny: The Confusing Trio

This article is written totally from the perspective of a common man, not having much deeper knowledge about the concepts of philosophy, religion or spiritualism
This article is written totally from the perspective of a common man, not having much deeper knowledge about the concepts of philosophy, religion or spiritualism
The realm of Spiritualism has answers to all aspects of life, not only related to the highest Spiritual quests which lead a man/woman to their own inner soul and the ultimate realization but also there are methodologies which pertain to everyday issues of life.
A few days ago while mindlessly surfing channels on the television; I came across an interesting program on Nepal, a Buddhist country. The specific moment when I stopped, the program was covering Ani Choying Drolma, the singing Buddhist Nun. Having heard her name for the first time it was obvious that I would search more […]
Whenever we talk of yoga you will notice that breath is included. All the asanas have a special mention of how your breath should be. When you should inhale, how long you should hold the breath and when should you release the same. Infact we studied about straw pranayama in a previous article but have […]
In this article related to spiritual energy and the power of blessings, we will try to understand a common yet commonly misunderstood topic, especially in context of the modern and younger generation. Actually it so happens that in the current intellectual age, we do not tend to accept things which dont seem to have any […]
Before delving into the topic of dealing with exam stress through meditation, let us first consider the background of this subject. Today we have a highly competitive environment and hence every student wants to give his or her best performance.
Yoga is an ancient science that was developed in India. It helps to control the mind and the body. It is now used all over the world to live a healthy and a happy life. Yoga has many physical and psychological benefits. Yoga can be learned by one and all. The earlier one starts to […]
Newton’s third law of motion – for every action there is an equal and an opposite reaction – or the law of cause and effect is much more than a law of physics. It is a working principle of cosmic interactions that take place in the world. Rather putting it the other way round, Newtons 3rd […]
Today we will learn about the Nandi Bull and the significance it holds in religion and traditions. Many of us might be bit surprised about the stories of mythology but they had their own significance like the Jakarta tales in Buddhism and similar pattern can be observed in many religions. Basically we will be dedicating a […]
The world today is very practical and demanding. We live most of our lives in the quest of a better job and a better pay. We rarely get time to look within. The topic that we are going to discuss is renouncing the world and whether it is feasible these days. What is Renunciation? Well, […]