By Daisy Astrologer on December 2, 2013
astrology, cancerian man, cancerian woman, sunsigns
Astrology, Featured, Miscellaneous

If you are in love with a Cancerian woman or you want to woo a Cancer woman then this article on “All about cancer women” will be of great use to you. We have already discussed the personality traits of a cancerian man in case you are a female and dating such a person. Now […]
By Sudipta Ray on November 29, 2013
astrology, cancer men, sunsigns
Astrology, Featured, Miscellaneous

Cancer men can also be called the “clinging crab”. In this article we will try to give you all the information that you may need to know in order to deal with a man who belongs to this sign of the zodiac. All About Cancer Men Cancer is one of those signs in the zodiac […]
By Sudipta Ray on November 25, 2013
Hanukkah, Jewish Festival
Customs/Traditions, Featured, Miscellaneous

In Metaphysics our constant attempt has been to ensure that we tell our readers about the various religious practices and customs of the world. In this article we will discuss about a very popular Jewish festival, Hanukkah, also known as the festival of lights. Hanukkah 2013 Date If you have heard about Hanukkah this article […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on November 24, 2013
quiz, test yourself
Do You Know?, Featured, Miscellaneous
By Mrs Manjeet Brar on November 23, 2013
developing psychic intuition, intuition developing exercises
Featured, Miscellaneous

Today we are going to talk about developing psychic intuition and will mention a few techniques and exercises for developing intuition. Actually the subject matter is such that most people would feel that either developing intuition is something which cannot be done since it is something which is supernatural or it is too difficult for […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on November 20, 2013
mantra meditation, shanti path, vedic philosophy
Featured, Miscellaneous, Spirituality

My grandmother will be completing her 100 years in February 2014. I cannot say that she is in the pink of her health but definitely she is pretty good for the years that she has walked on this planet. Probably she has studied till 5th standard and rest all of her education has been a […]
By Jyotsna on November 18, 2013
Christmas decorations, Xmas Celebrations
Customs/Traditions, Editorial, Featured, Miscellaneous

The moment one hears the word Christmas, one tends to think of Santa, a sleigh, the reindeer, a Christmas tree, the bells, the glass balls and all those colorful streamers running all over the room. Some how Christmas ornaments and decorations are bright enough to lighten up gloomiest of winters. Every household wants to use […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on November 16, 2013
anti gravity yoga, Christopher Harrison
Featured, Miscellaneous, Yoga

You must have heard about Yoga of Patanjali which is an entire system consisting of components such as dhyana, dharana, pranayama and so forth but have you ever heard about anti gravity yoga. If not then let us discuss about this concept which is gaining immense popularity specifically in the continent of North America. What […]
By nishichawla on November 15, 2013
concentration, experiencing a sense, healthier, materialistic joys, method of meditation, power, Spirituality, Swami Vivekananda
Featured, Miscellaneous, Spirituality

Mind is what we think. It makes us what we are. If we can learn to control our mind, we can control our lives too. In today’s world since the moment we are born a struggle to survive begins. That ends only when death comes. In between what happens becomes so insignificant. It may seem […]
By Deepak Chopra on November 15, 2013
Dr Paul Brunton, secret India, Sri Ramanna Maharishee
Featured, Metaphysical Books, Miscellaneous

We have already published a formal detailed book review on this popular book titled “A Search In Secret India” yet we wanted to write an informal post about the same too. For those of you who are not familiar with the title, it is a biography written by Dr Paul Brunton, about his travels to […]