By Sudipta Ray on February 8, 2017
chandra dosha
Astrology, Horoscopes

As per Hindu astrology there are many types of doshas. We have tried to discuss about the different doshas like Shani dosha and how you can deal with them. In this particular article we will discuss about the Chandra dosha. The Moon in Astrology Chandra in Hindu astrology is moon. Moon plays a very crucial […]
By Jaswinder Singh on March 16, 2016

In this post we are quoting an interesting post by Ramani who is a management expert and consultant and writes in his free time. This post shows the planetary positions of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna from the astrological perspective. Of course these avatars were above the laws of astrology but still it is interesting […]
By Daisy Astrologer on November 22, 2014
horoscope, janam patrika

Horoscope or janam patrika is an observation of the heavens at the exact time of a person’s birth, by which the events of life are predicted by the Astrologer. To cast a horoscope of a person, it is necessary to have accurate details such as the following: Gender Time of birth Place of birth Date […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on October 25, 2014
best astrology advice, Paid astrology advice
Astrology, Horoscopes

Dear Friends We are a growing platform and have been providing totally free advice to all our viewers in matters related to horoscopes and so forth but of late it has been observed that due to high number of queries, we are not able to keep pace with rising number of emails and we have a […]
By EnnisDuff on September 11, 2014
aspects, planets, raashis

In this post we will study about some interesting aspects of vedic astrology. Let us first begin by taking a look at the chart showing the 12 houses, the corresponding raashis , their master planets and so forth. Twelve Houses, Raashis, And Their Descriptions Rahu & Ketu Ketu is always at the beck and call […]
By Jyotsna on September 4, 2014
astrology houses, horoscope reading

Today we will find out the significance of houses in horoscope readings but first the distinction between the houses and signs (Raashis) should be clearly understood. Here is a birth chart, which will explain their relationship: Right Side: I to VI Houses and Left Side: VII to XII Houses Lagna or Ascendant is the First […]
By EnnisDuff on September 3, 2014
birth chart, reading horoscope

Practice makes a man perfect and so is the case with horoscope analysis. Examples can help you to find out the actual manner in which predictions are done so let us take a few examples. Example 1 Here is the horoscope of an individual who was born in an ordinary family in a village in […]
By sonia verma on September 2, 2014
astrological predictions, bad dreams, Chart Reading, Date Of Birth, face reading, forehead lines, natal charts, palm reading

The natal chart reading is the astrological predictions that are made with the help of the time of birth. The astrologers take into consideration the location of the planets and stars at the time of birth. Based on the positions of the stars the predictions are made about the future. The expert astrologers say that […]
By usha on August 1, 2014
match horoscopes before marriage
Horoscopes, Miscellaneous, Spirituality

Hindu culture has always a matter of interest for people all over the world. Especially when it comes to Hindu weddings, the rituals and the festivities that are observed make them all the more a matter of intrigue. Through this article let us look at the first and the most important step in a Hindu Wedding. The first step […]
By EnnisDuff on July 27, 2014
planet classification, solar system

In this post we will take a look at the planet classification in the solar system and how the different planets are classified as per the following BLIND PLANETS If the House No. 10 is being debilitated by two inimical planets or by malefic planet, such a horoscope is called blind Horoscope and even exalted […]