
Super Natural Books

Super Natural Books

Super natural books may have been miss understood with the inclusion of characters that in most cases arouse more fear in people rather than indulge then in to understanding the real meaning of super natural states and how they can be beneficial to us thus improving future generations. Super natural book have followed the same […]

Music for Supernatural

Music for supernatural healing is in most occasions’ soft and subtle to listen to, it is aimed at calming the mind and enhancing concentration so as the listener could transcend in to a trance or supernatural state such as entering extra sensory perception. The music has been misinterpreted by many leading to negative impressions but […]

Metaphysics Knowledge

Metaphysics Knowledge

The word metaphysics knowledge is derived of two words ‘Meta’ meaning before and after whereas the word ‘physics’ meaning our body or the surroundings. It is the study of our life before and after, we were created or we die. It is the inner essence or the feeling which can be used to know all […]

Analysis Dream

Analysis Dream

As mentioned in a previous article the mysteries that dreams carry have surged the curiosity of the human mind to analysis of the dream since it carries massages that may have meaning to the person, that one does not understand the meaning too. Analysis of the dream has been practiced from the down of civilization, […]

What is Karma?

What is Karma?

To be able to understand what is karma one must be able to understand the meaning of the word karma as well as what part it plays in one’s life to be able to harness the full potential of the universal law which karma actual stands for. The word karma comes from the language Sanskrit […]

Palmistry Worry Lines

Being able to read the lines on a person’s palm has been considered a way of making a person’s future prediction of different things that may happen. The lines on the palm are associated with different prediction from health, happiness, long life and even worry lines can be studied to determine the amount of worries […]

Palmistry Ring Finger

Palmistry Ring Finger

Palmistry has studied the hand and fingers and most importantly the ring finger to determine different finger and hand aspects that determine the nature and personality of a person. The length, thickness, rigidity among other aspects are all important clues to determining a person’s nature, each finger in turn is read to tell a different […]