By nishichawla on November 15, 2011
Numerology - How can it help you?
Miscellaneous, Numerology

Numerology is the study of numbers which depicts you fait in one’s life; in the same ways that astrology uses extraterrestrial bodies to predict ones past and future. So numerology – how can it help you? Being the study of number and their relation between numbers and each individual person, the study uses specific important […]
By Daisy Astrologer on November 15, 2011
extra sensory perception, extrasensory perception
Miscellaneous, Supernatural

Extra sensory perception or extrasensory perception also considered by many as the humans sixth sense is easier defined as attaining knowledge concerning a subject using other sources besides your five senses i.e. hearing, touch, smell, sight and smelling. Extrasensory perception has not been proven by science to be possible but other studies have proven through […]
By Ankush Dogra on November 14, 2011
breathing exercise pranayama, pranayama, Pranayama Breathing Exercises

Pranayama breathing exercises plays the most important role in one’s body because we cannot live without breathing for more than 3 to 4 minutes at most, improvement of your breathing can be done by practicing pranayama breathing exercises that help the lungs inhale air and receive exercise using different technique which improve lung strength and […]
By Pareesh Goyenka on November 9, 2011
Dream Analysis
Dream Analysis, Miscellaneous

Dream analysis has baffled man ever since he began to reason and manipulates his surrounding to suit his requirements, the mystery of dreaming has created mystery in each person’s life and studies aimed at decoding dream mystery are still ongoing. Studies have shown that not only man has dreams but most mammals seem to have […]
By Butler Usha on October 14, 2011
Aura vibration, Kirlian technology

Kirlian technology is the only way to register our Aura vibration at present. In 19th century this phenomenon was observed by Nikola Tesla that our body illuminates in certain conditions, but it is coined after the name of Kirlian couple who recorded these images of body glow in 1939 first time in Russia. When you […]
By Ankush Dogra on October 14, 2011
astrology, aura, aura color, Aura sight, auric sight, color and spiritual thoughts, dirty colors, your own aura

To perceive and see Aura we need to increase the sensitivity of our eyes and improve our coordination between left and right hemisphere in our brain. We have noticed that children see aura much easier than adult because their central vision is not damaged yet but when he starts going to school he gets trained […]
By Jyotsna on August 27, 2011
palmistry, Shape of Fingers, Shape of Thumb, Shapes of Hands
Miscellaneous, Palmistry
Understanding Palmistry Palmistry is one of the ancient arts, which is used for judging person’s character and foretelling the future. It uses different criteria to come to the results such as shape of the hand, lines on the hand, mounts on the hand, length and flexibility of fingers etc. Shapes of the Hand To begin […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on August 27, 2011
palmistry, Shapes of Hands, Study of lines
Miscellaneous, Palmistry
Introduction to Palmistry Palmistry is an ancient art which includes palm reading to judge the characteristics of a person and foretell the future of an individual. With some basic difference this practice is followed almost in all ancient cultures. Generally people who read palms are called palmist. The other names used for them are hand […]
By Rakesh on August 27, 2011
astrology, Astrology Zodiac signs, zodiac signs
Astrology, Miscellaneous
astrology Zodiac signs are twelve equal divisions, which represent different personality and characteristics. In vedic or Indian astrology these zodiac signs are associated with constellations but in western and Chinese astrology it is just the line of equator that is divided into twelve equal parts or segments. Zodiac signs table: Zodiac signs English names Element […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on August 27, 2011
aura, colors, How To Control Aura
Before we learn how to control Aura, we must know what is Aura. Aura is an energy-field of a person which reflects when it comes in contact with outer vibration. There are different ways to read Aura. With some practice anyone can learn to see the Aura. We have already discussed about the different methods of […]