By s.heeralal on June 13, 2011
Mount, Mount of Venus, Mount Venus, The Venus Mount, Venus
Miscellaneous, Palmistry

Mounts are regions in the palm which are raised flesh. In palmistry the Mounts hold special significance and they are the origin for various lines within the palm. They are also named after several planets in our solar system. Each mount is of different shape and heights as a result they have a different significance. […]
By Pareesh Goyenka on June 3, 2011
career line, destiny line, education line, fate line, line of fate, significance of fate line

The Line of Fate which is also known as the Line of Destiny. The Fate Line begins from the middle portion at the base of the palm and extends to the base of the middle finger. If you look closely it is located in the centre, upright Line on the palm of the hand. This […]
By Jyotsna on June 3, 2011
Bracelet Lines
The Bracelet likes also known as the Rascette lines or simply put wrist lines, are horizontal or curved lines that separate the palm of the hand and the rest of the arm. These lines indicate several things, ranging from ones’ health to their prosperity to fame. The number of bracelets also represents the longevity of […]
By usha on June 2, 2011
different mounts in palmistry, mounts, mounts in palmistry
There are several Mounts that appear on the palm of the hand. The Mounts have been named after the planets and special features of the planets are revealed in each of the corresponding Mounts. Mount of Jupiter The Mount of Jupiter is located at the base of the index finger which is right above the […]
By Rakesh on May 31, 2011
air hand, air hand shape, palmistry
Chirognomy refers to the study of the hands. It includes the studying the size, shape, texture and even the colour of the palm. The four types of hands make reference to the four elements, air, earth, fire and water. The Air hand, the palm is usually square or rectangular in shape with long narrow fingers which […]
By Daisy Astrologer on January 6, 2011
Yoga-Meditation & Exercise
The discipline of yoga originated in India and is practiced world wide today. It is appreciated as a medium of physical exercise and meditation. There are different branches of yoga depending on the source of origin and the underlying principles that are followed.
By Jyotsna on October 19, 2010
To put it in simple words aura is the golden glow, luminous radiation that we normally see around deities, holy beings.
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on October 18, 2010
The article introduces the reader to the concept of Meditation and also highlights the benefits of practicing the same.