By Pt Ram Dhiraj Mishra on November 11, 2024
destiny number, Destiny or Expression Number, expression number, numerology
Miscellaneous, Numerology
Destiny number or expression number are important when it comes to numerology. Destiny number of a person reveals the goals he must achieve in his life path. With the help of destiny numbers it is possible to become aware of the qualities and strengths that are at a person’s disposal. These qualities can then be […]
By Pt Ram Dhiraj Mishra on June 14, 2021
love relationships, numerology, Numerology in Relations, Numerology in Relationships
Miscellaneous, Numerology
It is believed that numerology not only affects our life but our relationships also. It plays an important role in our friendship, love and even marriage. Using numerology to understand relations better is as old as astrology. The ideas of using numerology to check the compatibility of partners in long term relationship increases the chances […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on February 20, 2018
emotional Number, numerology
Difficulties are the real test of the mental strength of human beings. The strength and the ability to overcome difficulties is known as temperament. Everyone has his own way to react to difficulties and obstacles. This depends on the temperament of a person. According to numerology your ability to respond to the problems can be […]
By Daisy Astrologer on July 22, 2012
number games, numerology, supernatural
Miscellaneous, Numerology

Numerology has a very interesting analysis. It can analyse the dates on birth, the time of birth and of course name number. Name number is derived from the alphabets that are there in your names. Each alphabet has a value that adds up to become the name number. The numbers are from one to nine. […]
By Sudipta Ray on June 28, 2012
numbers game, numerology

Sounds interesting, but it is indeed a fact that numbers do rule our worlds. There are many facts that can be associated with the number that our day of birth totals to. Each alphabet in our name also signifies a number. If this is summed up the number that we get will be our name number. Now we are […]
By s.heeralal on June 28, 2012
number nine, numerology

Numerology is the study of numbers. We all are born with certain numbers that affect our lives and also define our nature and character. Interesting yet true, that how numerology can affect our lives and change the way we look at numbers forever. Numerology is a very complicated science we cannot discuss all of it in one article. However, […]
By nishichawla on November 15, 2011
Numerology - How can it help you?
Miscellaneous, Numerology

Numerology is the study of numbers which depicts you fait in one’s life; in the same ways that astrology uses extraterrestrial bodies to predict ones past and future. So numerology – how can it help you? Being the study of number and their relation between numbers and each individual person, the study uses specific important […]
By Sudipta Ray on July 30, 2011
numerology, Numerology and Personality Traits, personality traits
Miscellaneous, Numerology
Destiny or Expression number and life path number shows one’s overall path in life and where one belongs in this world. Life path number tells more about one’s goal in life and destiny number reveals more about one’s personality traits. After calculating the expression number, one can find out about one’s or anyone’s traits, which […]
By Daisy Astrologer on July 30, 2011
life path periods, numerology
Miscellaneous, Numerology
Life path periods is in addition to life path numbers. Life path number or birth number remains the same in the numerological life path chart. Information about life path period can be used to refine our knowledge about the life path. There are three life path periods everyone experiences in their life span. Calculating Life […]
By Jyotsna on July 30, 2011
numerology, personal year, Personal Year Number
Miscellaneous, Numerology
Numerology uses numbers to help us know our past and take a peek into our future also. In this article, we will see how to determine our personal year number and understand the vibrations of numbers in the context of timing. The life path number is always the same but numbers which are associated with […]