By mandeep on February 21, 2018
apollo line, line of brilliance, line of sun, sun line
Miscellaneous, Palmistry

The line of Apollo goes by various names in Palmistry. It is at times referred to the Line of Sun, Line of Brilliance or even the Line of Success. The Apollo line symbolizes happiness and the achievements in one’s life. No one hand is the same; hence the reason that the Apollo line is seen […]
By Deepak Chopra on September 12, 2013
mount of saturn, palm reading guide, palmistry signs
Featured, Miscellaneous, Palmistry

We learnt about the basics of Mount of Saturn in the previous article, now let us continue with that further in our palm reading guide series. Basically in this article the previous article has been extended to include the basic meaning of some of the commonly found shapes and signs on the Mount of Saturn. […]
By Mrs Manjeet Brar on September 10, 2013
know your future, mount of saturn, palm reading guide
Featured, Miscellaneous, Palmistry

The mount of Saturn can be located at the bottom of the middle finger on any palm. It is a very important and prominent mount from the astrological perspective.
By Deepak Chopra on September 10, 2013
face reading, forehead astrology, forehead lines, Lines On Forehead, Lines On Forehead - The Line Of Mysticism, physiognomist, Physiognomy, The Line Of Mysticism
Featured, Miscellaneous, Palmistry

We all know that our palms have lines that the astrologers read in order to understand our future. However, there are some lines on our forehead that too can be used for the same purpose. Forehead Lines: How Many? Very few of us actually know about these intricate lines. There are seven such lines on […]
By Vedantacharya Bhatt on January 29, 2013
astrologers, kundali, learning palmistry, Palmistry Tutorial, palms, the mount of sun
Miscellaneous, Palmistry

Palmistry we all know is a science with which the astrologers read the palms of the people and predict the future. Each line on our palm has significance. They change with time in length and clarity. It is said that as per our karma the lines on our palm changes and thereby our destiny is […]
By Jyotsna on January 13, 2013
hand reading, learn palmistry, Marriage Line On Palm
Miscellaneous, Palmistry

The palm has many prominent lines that tell volumes about us and the kind of life that we will live. One such line is the marriage line. We will now discuss a little more on the marriage line on palm. It can be located just below the little finger. It is a vertical line and […]
By Vedantacharya Bhatt on January 10, 2013
astrology, Nostradamus, plmistry, prediction, Prediction For Future, Prediction For Future by date, Prediction For Future by name, Prediction of marriage
Miscellaneous, Palmistry

Prediction is the art of seeing something even before it happens. For years we have heard that there are people who can see the future. For example Nostradamus he had seen what will happen on earth thousands of years before the even actually happened. However, we all are interested in knowing what will happen in […]
By Rakesh on January 10, 2013
astrological influences, Broken line of wisdom, Lines On Forehead, palmistry, Palmistry Worry Lines, The Line Of Wisdom, your forehead
Miscellaneous, Palmistry

Have you ever looked at your forehead? I am sure you must have and you have also noticed the lines on your forehead. There are seven lines on our forehead. However, for some few are more prominent than the others. The prominent ones might be three to four in number. You will be surprised to […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on July 30, 2012
Mount of Venus, palmistry knowledge
Miscellaneous, Palmistry

We learnt about the basics of The Mount of Venus in the first part, now here you go with further information on this topic. Some people have long lines that show the affairs were very long and some have light lines that run only for a small length making them light hearted flirts. The most common […]
By Rakesh on July 30, 2012
Further Information on Mount of Sun - Part II, mount of sun line, palmistry
Miscellaneous, Palmistry

You learnt about the basics in the previous article titled Mount of Sun – An Introduction. We continue further with more details in this article. Too many lines on the mount means that the person will have a lot of interconnected things happening in life and nothing will succeed ultimately. This is definitely not a […]