By sonia verma on February 3, 2016
not limits

You can only go that far, which your mind lets you believe So if you have to reach high, not just imagine but fully perceive The mind will show you shortcomings, but they are only illusions of thought To a true soul nothing is impossible, even if deadly dangers are fraught Set your mind as […]
By Jaswinder Singh on January 28, 2016

Let me tell you a great secret of life, listen with attention of my dear The greatest obstacle ever in life, is just within, that is your own fear The day you shed fear, and be like a lion, ready to pounce and roar Just see how the obstacles will melt away, how the blessings […]
By Sudipta Ray on January 19, 2016
sookhe patte

Once we grow up and we do not even realize We think we were born strong, brave and wise Seldom do we remember that we were tender leaves It is them who protected us, build our life by weaves Now that we have grown strong and they have gone frail We do not remember our […]
By ravi_abhishek on January 15, 2016
gifts of life

Whereas some of us keep crying even with both hands and feet There are some who do not have even properly to fill and eat They are deprived of many gifts which we do not even realize Yet they are much more learned than us, certainly more wise Look at this man who works without […]
By Mrs Manjeet Brar on January 15, 2016
negative voices

People will be with you, people will be against you If you have to succeed, you will have to pass through Despite the shouting voices, keep moving, dont listen what others say If it is done with dedication and effort, you will certainly have your day This does not mean not to respect other’s opinion […]
By Jaswinder Singh on January 13, 2016
right path

Life is not a bed of roses under all situations, at all times There are moments of defeat and there are trumpets of chimes So just remember when you ask God to give you all pleasures and no pain That if you ask so, it will be an irrelevant Prayer, for it would stand no […]
By Jaswinder Singh on January 12, 2016
Swami Vivekananda

Today is the birth anniversary of this great karamyogi who inspired the whole nation, rather the whole world with his message of modern day spirituality. we pay homage to this great soul, and have a few lines dedicated to this great message. If you have to live, just live as if the very next moment […]
By Rakesh on January 6, 2016
Price of Sacrifice

It is for our sins, that the son of God gave up his life So that we can live in joy, He endured all the strife If He wanted, He could be free within seconds from this all It is not without purpose that he didnt do so, such appall When we sin, we should […]
By Pareesh Goyenka on January 4, 2016

A soldier always stands for his/her country, even pays with his/her life He doesn’t think twice about his family, parents, kids, husband or wife Yet those are fortunate who have the honour of dying while on duty It might seem very sad, yet for them in it is a hidden charm and beauty To perform […]
By Jaswinder Singh on January 2, 2016
news, Write A New Chapter: Write History

The past cannot be erased for its effects manifest in the form of karma for sure Yet whatever is the past, you can always write a new chapter of life which is pure Write a new chapter, and you will write history over time as you make a new start Soon you will notice […]