By s.heeralal on January 1, 2016
Happy New Year 2016

With the past year, let the past be gone in the whirl of time Let everything be new once again, all reasons for a chime Everyday is new, and should be filled with positive vibes May new year bring joy and prosperity to all clans and tribes So the Saints say if you make an […]
By Dr Divya Mittal on December 20, 2015

From birth till death, the perpetual search is always on Even the childhood is over, teenage also even life is nearly gone Still there is something for which one yearns, there is longing in the soul One never know which is that thing, object, what is that ultimate goal The external objects keep changing, yet […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on December 11, 2015
best teachers

We all want good times to prevail, and bad times should never come near Yet there is a staunch truth, which I would like to tell you O my dear When you have pocket full of money, then you have nothing to yearn Yet even if you enjoy the most, its unlikely that much you […]
By s.heeralal on December 8, 2015
desire to help

We often consider sex workers to be characterless and lowly Yet when one considers such acts, the perception does change slowly Where many of us are just silent spectators and at the most hear in the news There are these so called characterless people who have some different views While the society considers them as […]
By Daisy Astrologer on November 29, 2015
The Path To Freedom

Each man (and woman) is born free as freedom is the ultimate birth right Such is the price of freedom that to get it, even nations had struggle & fight This spirit of freedom is not just ego, it is a reflection of the boundless soul Even though the common people do not realize, to […]
By EnnisDuff on November 22, 2015

Holy shit: that is perhaps the word that comes to your mind as you watch this picture. Obscene as it might seem, it is an expression of resentment and anger against the so called torch bearers of Islam, namely the ISIS. This brave act was performed by a lady and her friend who had the […]
By usha on November 19, 2015
Happy World Toilet Day 2015

This might seem a joke for most of us who have toilets in their home Many of you on reading this, might just go in a state of hilarious lome Yet it is a serious matter for majority of people in developed world go out For those who use the sulabh shauchalayas, it is not […]
By Jaswinder Singh on November 13, 2015

By Daisy Astrologer on November 10, 2015

Each Diwali we burn crackers worth millions and think nothing about it No matter what happens to the universe and earth, who cares a damn shit It is only we, the birds and animals, who feel the real brunt It is even worse than the days, you came for us to chase and hunt For […]
By EnnisDuff on November 6, 2015
The Divine Saga

When we grow up, we often think our parents know nothing, we know it all Yet we forget the tender loving hands which held us at every fall The only selfless love which is the epitome of the Divine on earth The form of Divinity which protected us since the very birth It is […]