By Mrs Manjeet Brar on January 28, 2018
चिराग, जीवन, संघर्ष

चिराग जलाने का सलीका सीखो साहेब, हवाओं पे इलज़ाम लगाने से क्या होगा मुश्किलों का हल खुद निकालो साहेब, किसी के पल्लू पकडाने से क्या होगा जब निकल जायेगा सांप, रह जाएगी सिर्फ लकीर, उसे पकड़ पाने से क्या होगा सामना करो हिम्मत से हर मुश्किल का, डर के मारे मुंह छुपाने से क्या होगा […]
By Deepak Chopra on January 28, 2018
horrors of war

Whenever two nations are on the brink of war, there is a storm of emotions Each and everyone has their own opinion, atmosphere is flooded with notions Yet no one thinks from the perspective of a small child, one who knows no fear For whom the entire humanity is his friend, and everyone is equally […]
By Rakesh on January 21, 2018
दाता, प्रार्थना, शक्ति

जब भी करनी तो प्रार्थना और माँगना हो प्रभु से कुछ वरदान तो यही मांगो की कुछ भी समस्या आये, कभी भंग ना हो मान मान और अहंकार में है बहुत अंतर, अभिमान जाये तो जाये परन्तु मान की हानि न हो कभी, जो की प्राण देकर भी न पाए हे प्रभु ये मस्तक […]
By Rakesh on January 4, 2018
साईं बाबा जी

अगर तुम मेरे पे विश्वास रखोगे तो तुम्हारा कभी अहित न होगा मेरा ये वचन याद रखना, चाहे बदल जाये मेरा शारीरिक चोगा याद रखो मुझी में दिखेंगे शंकर, इसी में दिखेगा भोला चलो मेरे संग, मैं जब भी जाता हूँ भिक्षा लेने लेके झोला तुम किसी का कुछ मत बिगाड़ना, तुम्हारा कोई न […]
By Rakesh on January 2, 2018
kingsize, life

No matter what you possess, more or less, it doesn’t matter at all Look at these little angels, who hardly have anything but stand tall To enjoy life, you just need a joyous mind, a selfless and pure thought Try living like this and you will feel the cool breeze like a draught Live like […]
By Dr Divya Mittal on December 26, 2017
old times

Those were the days when family meant every one near and dear When one would goto visit all relatives without hesitation or fear When grand parents and parents were the real assets of life When people were not slaves to desires but happy even in strife When the relations did matter, they were not merely […]
By Rakesh on December 3, 2017

Whenever you are stuck in the midst of the battlefield of life When everything seems going wrong, there is pain and strife Remember the eternal poem which was revealed ages ago Its the guidance you need without going far, at stones throw When Arjuna got confused and did not know whether to quit It was […]
By mandeep on October 28, 2017
poor, rich

This is a strange world, where the poor are used as a source of money It is just like the bees, where they exact pollen to produce pure honey With the only difference that sometimes the humans tend to exploit And the money they earn, they just spend it at a street pub or a […]
By Sudipta Ray on October 17, 2017
Dhanteras Poem

It is an occasion to buy stuff and be blessed Just think of overs too, dont be self obsessed Though it is best to give gifts to yourself this day Give to the needy and your prosperity will always stay Dont think you can give to anyone even if you give If the creator does […]
By Butler Usha on October 12, 2017
ciggie, life, smoke

Life can be compared to a ciggie, just smoke it till the last puff For what is the use if its half used, it would be just another bluff Do not get the wrong message, for life cannot go up in smoke If you actually smoke the ciggie, it will simply make you choke Smoking […]