By Butler Usha on April 18, 2017
birth, life

When life teaches you new lessons night and day Sometimes you just get bit frustrated and you say Why the heck are you teaching me so much Who has time to spend centuries here as such We are all here for a short duration of few decades The illusion of permanency here are all facades […]
By sonia verma on April 13, 2017
True love

Those were the days, when true love was found in Sohni Mahiwal, Heer Ranjha and the likes Can even a fraction of that be found in this modern materialistic world, I just say yikes If you have to love, you must do it like a fish which does not change heart but just does perish […]
By nishichawla on February 4, 2017
life, limits

Life is often full of ups and downs, you just need to live with all energy Let whatever be the experience just gather it in the form of synergy There are limitations to life, except the ones that you make on your own There are no fruits except for the previous seeds that you have […]
By s.heeralal on January 30, 2017
die, dignity, live

It is often we come across situations in life which seem like an insult We should not forego either honour or rebuke, just accept the result Each incident has a lesson to teach, each opportunity has a chance Only if can learn to look through, only if we know how to glance Yet one thing […]
By Deepak Chopra on December 23, 2016

Memories are one of the most wonderful gifts of nature These are what give life to the otherwise soulless caricature It is upto you to remember all good that happened to you or vice You are free to make a choice, as you wont get same life twice When the body incarnates from one form […]
By Jyotsna on December 19, 2016
vegetarian food

Whenever you think next time of eating meat in any look and form Just remember what lies inside, it is always true, it is always the norm That some living being has died a cruel brutal death to satisfy your taste Big businesses are thrive on it, they dont care if an innocent live goes […]
By Pareesh Goyenka on December 18, 2016
A Great Virtue: Humbleness

One of the greatest virtues of the world is to be polite and humble Yet most of us despise this virtue, and against this we always grumble Because everyday experience sometimes teaches us against this rule That the one who tries to be humble is mostly made out to be a fool Yet the wise […]
By Pareesh Goyenka on December 9, 2016

It was envisioned by the seers long long time in history far back In Kaliyuga there will be a time when knowledge’s value will lack These days, this seems to be coming true as books are sold in kilos They are not portrayed openly but just kept in obscure dusty silos While the shoes are […]
By Jyotsna on December 6, 2016
iron lady, Jayalalitha

Metaphysics Knowledge pays homage to the demised CM of TN. Although we are not a political portal yet we respect every individual. We are not putting this post for any political motive of bias but just to emphasize the fact from the spiritual point of view that whether a pauper or a king, life is […]
By Pareesh Goyenka on December 4, 2016
small vendors

There are big stores which are bothered about how much profits to make And there people who even dont know what in evening, home they will take So when you buy your stuff, try to do your shopping from such small vendors Rather than buying from big fat merchants, who are often tax offenders Try to give […]