By s.heeralal on December 3, 2016
The Golden Treasure

There are times when life seems as if there is no solution any more When you just wonder, how many more troubles are in store In such times there are very few who stand firmly by your side It is a real encouragement and motivation to see them beside Yet often it so happens that […]
By Mrs Manjeet Brar on November 29, 2016
Siblings: The Special Relationship

Life is a celebration of relations and there are so many of them in life There are parents, kids, uncles, aunts, friends, husband and wife Yet there are relations which stand out for they are beyond compare Which are even about fighting, quarreling, not only of love and care They are known as siblings as it […]
By s.heeralal on November 13, 2016
Happy Gurupurab 2016

Let us celebrate this day with the utmost reverence and Pray That the Almighty should guide us on right path each n every day Let we get strength for without His Grace we are nothing on this earth We just a tiny speck, only with His Blessings we have a successful birth So let us […]
By Deepak Chopra on September 28, 2016
Dream beyond dreams, The Eternal Goal

Everyone’s got a dream, it is only whether we realize it or not It all depends whether to fulfill it we give a try and our best shot People will usually discourage you, very few will motivate They will judge you wrongly, they will surely underestimate The wise and the determined do not fall for […]
By Mrs Manjeet Brar on September 21, 2016
distance, love

As the world moves towards a more materialistic mode, the meaning of love changed The entity so pure and so innocent, just got converted to lust, just so much deranged The so called modern generation does not know what Laila Majnu for what they stood It is so painful to know all they know is […]
By Dr Divya Mittal on August 28, 2016
God on leave

Today God is on leave, do not go to temple, lets make someone happy with a good deed The world needs so much love, compassion so let us listen to our inner voice, do pay heed At the next door there might be a boy who is hunting for a job, help him find some work […]
By Mrs Manjeet Brar on August 27, 2016

Often this is the case, a diamond lies beneath tons of coal Unless the jeweller identifies it, it cannot reach its goal To shine like the morning star, it should be treated and polished Sometimes it is difficult to do so, unless it is entirely demolished So when life puts you through its grinding, when […]
By Daisy Astrologer on August 24, 2016

Today as Lord Krishna is born, again as a divine incarnation of earth Let us celebrate with joy and happiness, the eve of his pious birth Aeons have passed, yet the teachings of Gita are as relevant as ever They have inspired all, from ignoramus to intellectuals so clever No one has been able to […]
By nishichawla on August 23, 2016

We all have some dreams which might not be fulfilled, many of us just give up in the mid way Yet if they really mean to you, you should never give up, but determined you must always stay There will be tribulations, there will be obstacles, there will be times of tiredness and tears There […]
By Dr Divya Mittal on August 21, 2016

Many of us have issues with the motherland, we criticize in day and night In order to leave for the greener pastures, we constantly struggle and fight Yet the motherland is just like a mother, in times of need she is always with you No matter what the situation, through all strife they will […]