By Pareesh Goyenka on May 6, 2016
care, eat, share

When you waste food, just remember there are those who hardly get to eat Whereas we are never satisfied, we want all sorts of tastes – sour and sweet May the Lord never give any such time to anyone in his or her life To bear pangs of hunger is a great pain, greatest that […]
By Pareesh Goyenka on May 1, 2016
Problems vs Speed Breakers

Whenever we face difficulties in life and think why only we When we forget the Blessings and moments of joy and glee Remember that the problems in life are only there to make you tough So never be afraid if the road ahead seems intimidating or rough Keep moving with an un-shakeable faith and victory shall […]
By EnnisDuff on March 25, 2016
look inside

There are times when you feel that intense loneliness admist the entire crowd That is the time when the soul yearns for its source, hidden in mystery shroud When you seem to go through the phase when nothing in the world matters for sure That is the time you can begin your own search, take […]
By Deepak Chopra on March 6, 2016
Care For The Elders

It might not be true for all but these cases are certainly on the rise People seem to be going materialistic, turning blind to wise advice It has been written in the scriptures that you treat elders with all care Dont even think of mistreating them, be afraid of His wrath, dont even dare Yet […]
By Butler Usha on March 2, 2016

When a realized soul reaches the final destination in the form of Samadhi, it is time to leave for another world, not in the manner in which we understand but from a different perspective altogether. When the time to go is approaching and soon it will come very near It would mean the end of […]
By Jaswinder Singh on March 2, 2016
buy without purpose

If we look around in our homes, we have plenty stuff we hardly need Yet when someone on the street approaches, we do not pay any heed Sometimes you can just buy for the sake of buying, even if you dont require It might help some self respecting person to fulfill a small tiny desire […]
By s.heeralal on March 1, 2016
far off lands

They say it is very political, disturbed and dirty, such is our Motherland There is hardly any cleanliness, that it is full of dust, dirt and sand So they want to go abroad in search for a more beautiful and secure life Where there are greener pastures, there is hardly any sorrow or strife Yet […]
By s.heeralal on February 27, 2016
mystery of life

One night as I sat wondering back on the events of the journey called life I could see what the Saints say, nothing is permanent, not joy nor strife It is just a flow of events which starts from day one right till you reach the grave That is why some time you should spare, […]
By Pareesh Goyenka on February 26, 2016

Sometimes the world seeks to destroy you, make you dance to their tune It is only your inner strength and determination that makes you immune So keep in touch with that inner soul, so that no matter what the storm You never get shaken, and being stable and cool just becomes the norm People will […]
By Dr Divya Mittal on February 22, 2016

The road of life is long, very long, you just have to keep walking Just do not make much noise, let your karmas do the talking On this long journey you might need to travel far and wide Just do not be afraid of obstacles, take everything in your stride Yet do not forget your […]