By Butler Usha on February 21, 2016
Before I Die

In these modern times, we have all become too busy in our own This is one of the results of modern life whose seeds we only have sown We often do not meet our loved ones for years, albeit even for ages Yet in the end we will just regret, so say the wise and […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on February 19, 2016
Chase Your Dreams & Believe

Most of us dream when we are in the deepest of slumber or sleep Yet the real heroes of life are those, who live the vision really deep Just chase your dreams, run after them till you are out of your breath Doesnt matter how high they are, nothing should stop you except death Believe […]
By ravi_abhishek on February 19, 2016
Bhagwad Gita Compulsary In SHU

The holy book of The Gita has some of the deepest lessons of life It is the perfect tool to wade your way through all storms and strife When you are in doubt, which way to follow, where to look for a guide When you are torn in circumstances, life seems a constant downhill slide […]
By Mrs Manjeet Brar on February 16, 2016
Persistence pays

Water is one of the softest liquids which is fully flexible and seems it has no will You only need to ask the rocks n mountains about water that doesnt stand still It is not force which makes the way, for so gentle is the flow it hardly matters Yet when it strikes with persistence, […]
By Daisy Astrologer on February 15, 2016
baal Shiva

This is a cute form of Lord Shiva in the baal roop when he adored the Earth Anyone could say He is One of the Trinity, even since the time of his birth The glow of His face matched that of a million suns, so radiant and bright The Saints and Sages came from far […]
By Jyotsna on February 15, 2016
The Perfect Family

Fighting and quarrel is normally a part and parcel of everyday family life No matter what the relations, parents, siblings, relatives, husband or wife You cannot find a house without such issues, no family perfect in that way Yet all that matters is the love and bonding, that is there at the end of the day […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on February 11, 2016
The Arrow of Life

Often we are discouraged and disheartened by difficulties and challenges of life We tend to go into depression even at the slightest trouble and strife Yet the wise say, that when life is pulling you back, it is the best time to shoot For that is time, when like a system, life is giving you […]
By Dr Divya Mittal on February 7, 2016
materialize, willpower

The goals of the world might seem difficult and far It might only seem a saying that you can reach for the star Yet the Saints say, whatever you wish you can materialize at will You can reach the goal, no matter how high the aim, how much uphill You need to focus with the […]
By Pareesh Goyenka on February 4, 2016
fire and beauty

It is not about riches and ornaments that beauty flows Sometimes even in rags, the inner strength brightly glows Look at the fire and beauty combined in these eyes full of life Not for a moment you can imagine, what was the situation, what strife This brave girl was living in Afghanistan, when with war […]
By s.heeralal on February 4, 2016
fakir, Rumi quotes

This is a theory which might seem strange and untrue Yet it is proposed by one who saw through and through If we run after material gains, they always elude us for ever The more we run after them, they cannot be reached, never It is only when you sit patiently and just materialize […]