By Sudipta Ray on September 15, 2015

Lord Shiva is considered to be one of the most powerful yet benevolent Lords in Hinduism. He is the one who has the power to devastate all that we see. God Shiva can be pleased easily and He fulfills all the wishes of his devotees. In this article we will discuss the 64 forms of […]
By Jyotsna on April 5, 2015

We all have heard of Ravana. Most of the view about Ravana is that he was an evil character. We will try to look deeper into the character of Ravan. As we go deeper into the character of Ravana it really makes us wonder if “Ravana – Rogue or Sage: A different perspective”. Early Life […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on February 23, 2015
vehicles of deities

Hindu dieties have particular vahanas on which they travel. These vahanas represent particular energies and the Gods are very rarely shown without them. In this article we discuss various vehicles of different Gods that they use for moving around.
By Sudipta Ray on September 16, 2014
Sikh religion, Sikhism facts
Beliefs, Religion

Sikh religion is a well known faith system across the world and there would hardly be any region on the Earth where the Sikhs cannot be found. Let us learn some Sikhism facts and use them to understand the Sikh religion in a somewhat better manner. The Sikhs are a part of the Khalsa that […]
By Meetu Verma Nayyar on April 2, 2014
Sufi kalam, Sufi music, Sufism

We ensure that we touch upon and discuss about most of the religions of the world. Today we will discuss the Sufism. The non Islam followers consider Sufism as a sect or religion. However, the Sufism is not a sect it is basically an extension of Islam. Early Beginnings The Sufism began in the early […]
By Sudipta Ray on December 18, 2013
Customs/Traditions, Featured, Miscellaneous, Religion, Spirituality

India is a land of festivals and spirituality. One of the main scriptures of the Hindus that has been translated into numerous languages and has been read across religions, cultures and even professions is the Bhagwath Geeta. In this article we discuss a festival known as the ‘Geeta Jayanthi’ celebrated to mark the birth of […]
By Butler Usha on December 17, 2013
Bible, Christmas, forgiveness
Featured, Miscellaneous, Religion, Spirituality

Forgiveness is one question that has always risen in our minds for we often get hurt. What makes forgiveness difficult is that it does not come easily to us. Every time we are hurt and in pain we shrink in an impulse to safeguard ourselves.
By Sudipta Ray on July 28, 2013
Lord Shiva, Nandi Bull
Featured, Miscellaneous, Religion

Today we will learn about the Nandi Bull and the significance it holds in religion and traditions. Many of us might be bit surprised about the stories of mythology but they had their own significance like the Jakarta tales in Buddhism and similar pattern can be observed in many religions. Basically we will be dedicating a […]