By Meetu Verma Nayyar on May 7, 2017
speed of light
Strange but True

The above verse is given from verse number 50 from Rigveda book number 1 and its literal translation is given as follows Light travels 2202 yojanas in one-half nimisha So let us discuss this in detail Nimisha is a unit of time used ancient India which is having the following conversions 1 kastha = 15 nimishas 1 […]
By Jyotsna on April 18, 2017
Strange but True

Most of you guys might think from the title that this post has something to do with Mr MKG but it is not so, just that the title is bit similar, just a coincidence. Basically this is about the faith healing experience of one of our readers. For the sake of privacy as requested by […]
By Sudipta Ray on April 8, 2017
photo images, zombie photo, zombie pics
Beliefs, Strange but True

You must have heard about zombies and we have previously uploaded several articles on this portal too. But do you know what is a zombie and how it comes to existence. Is it just a mental state or any other reality behind it, so let us find out. Religion and zombies Moving further from movies […]
By Sudipta Ray on April 2, 2017
Dream clairvoyance
Strange but True

So far we had been discussing how dream clairvoyance that is considered to be a telepathic connection between two humans can carry information from one person to the other even when these two people are miles apart and in some cases have never even met. Let us see more about what this psychic phenomenon is how […]
By Sudipta Ray on March 4, 2017
astral projection
Strange but True

Today we will discuss about the astral experiments that were done by Monroe. He was an astral expert and did have some interesting experiences. He lived a normal life like we do but he was always keen on understanding what the astral projections were all about and how he could make the most of these […]
By mandeep on February 25, 2017
curses, shraaps
Strange but True

What do you understand by the term shraap. Basically it means a curse which is opposite to ashirwaad or boon/blessings. The whole idea is that there are vibrations of both kinds, negative and positive. Its just like saying that if you have got a pistol or a gun, you can use it to defend yourself […]
By Sudipta Ray on January 24, 2017
dhol mountain, Ganpati idol
Strange but True

India is an ancient country that has survived years of slavery and tremendous exposure to the western culture yet there is something that is so special about India that it can always take you by surprise and gives you something that even modern science cannot explain. There is a long list of mysteries that make […]
By Sudipta Ray on December 29, 2016
giza, pyramid
Strange but True

We continue the series on the mysteries that surround the pyramid of Giza. In the previous article we discussed that the pyramid actually does not have a capstone and nothing is known for sure why the capstone is missing or what was placed on top of the pyramid instead of a capstone. The missing capstone […]
By Sudipta Ray on December 28, 2016
giant skeletons, Wisconsin
Strange but True

Today we will talk about a mystery that is nothing less than a tale of fiction. Skeleton of giants as tall as 10 feet, were discovered in Wisconsin. The heads of these giants were much bigger than the heads of a normal human being. A detailed study of the skeletons revealed some more mysterious facts. […]
By Mrs Manjeet Brar on December 24, 2016
Faith Healing
Strange but True

As the title of the post says it all – Faith Healing – we will try to discuss this matter in the most logical and rational way possible. I dont use the word “scientific” way since it would push away many a reader who simply cannot digest that science and faith can ever find a […]