Strange but True

Bermuda Triangle in the Vedas?

Bermuda Triangle in the Vedas?

The Bermuda triangle has eluded scientists for centuries and this so called devil’s triangle has seen any unexplained incidents where ships, aeroplanes and other objects vanished without a trace. Interestingly though the name Bermuda triangle must have been coined in the modern era, there are references to this triangle in the vedic ages as well. […]

Paracus Skulls: The Mystery Continues

Paracus Skulls: The Mystery Continues

Paracus skulls have intrigued scientists for decades as earlier it was believed that these elongated skulls are due to some genetic transformation or any artificial influences. So DNA analysis was carried out and it led to the shocking conclusion that these skulls do not show any human traits. So what is the mystery behind these […]

Selfie With Naag Devta

Selfie With Naag Devta

When it comes to taking selfie, there is hardly any limit What you see is a genuine image, it is not a gimmick Naag Devta symbolizes Lord Shiva, so there is nothing to fear Unlike many experts, this person has no precautions or safety gear   That is the faith which drives the utmost innate […]

Aghori Sadhus: Some More Facts

Aghori Sadhus: Some More Facts

we have posted several stories about aghori sadhus. Here is another collection of some interesting facts written by Reshma Dewda (@ TripHobo Portal). You will be really surprised to know what sort of things the aghoris can do. However we do want to add that a real aghori sadhu is someone with a high spiritual […]

Researchers Decipher Ancient Script

Researchers Decipher Ancient Script

Language is one of the greatest tools of communication but it is also the greatest barrier at times, especially when it comes to deciphering ancient languages to find out what the people of a particular civilization wanted to say. It is all the more interesting when the civilization belongs to ancient era of Egypt where […]