Metaphysics Knowledge dedicates this bhai dooj to all sisters who left this world before time
Along the journey some people are left behind never to be seen again
Yet it would be a disrespect if one remembers them with a sense of pain
During their lives, they always were happy and happiness did they preach
It was their positive attitude that despite challenges, where they did reach
On this occasion of bhai dooj, we do remember who was more than a sis
To have her in our lives was such a comfort, joy, peace, assurance and bliss
As we remember the previous bhai dooj occasions a tear drop silently flows
Great are the people like her who rise high, despite the severe hurts n blows
Never was a smile short on her face, never was she seen in any sort of sorrow
Her bag of joy was so full, everyone could take their share, each could borrow
Today we dedicate this poem to all sisters of the world who left before time
And just left behind a vacuum, and a presence which is so subtle so sublime
Friends come and friends go but sisters are forever despite their physical form
Apart from the parents, it is another relation so subtly pure, it is a divine norm
Let us remember all the departed souls with a positive energy on this special day
And learn the lesson to keep moving and going forward, no matter come what may