On this day of Bakr-Id we wish all our Muslim brethren the happinest & very best
They are such a warrior tribe, though many times they have been put to severe test
Let happiness spread in your homes, this is the wish from all of us on the day
Let our brotherhood be maintained and let it constantly grow no matter come what may
The main purpose of Bakr-Id is to serve as a reminder to those who have gone astray
That there is only one path to Allah, to have redemption, there is no other easy way
You have to repent for your sins, you have to ask forgiveness from Almighty day and night
That is why the Holy Quran is read 5 times a day, to always be in Allah’s rehmat and sight
Let us remember the Great Prophet who walked on this Earth ages ago, Islam still lives
It is only due to His Grace and the Almighty’s blessings, so abundantly He gives