On this day, the Mother’s Day just remember the mother is not so docile
She is the power which supports this world, not at all frail or fragile
Even the Gods worship the Mother, she has the place Supreme above all
If you do not respect the Mother, be sure you are preparing for a great fall
Yet in this world, there are so many forms of Divine Mother left alone
What has happened to this world, why has it turned so much into hard stone
If you take the blessings of any Mother in the world, you will always rise
So say the Gods, so say the Saints, so say the learned and the wise
On this Mother’s day take a vow, never to insult your Mother nor any other
It is the Divine in the nearest form, remember you o-sister, o-brother
If you incur the wrath of the Divine Mother, Kaali, Shaki or Durga in any form
You will face such fury, which is greater than you have seen in any storm
Let us celebrate this day, rather each day, with all the pomp and show
Then you life will certainly light up, you will receive the eternal glow