Happy Navratris 2015 To Everyone

Happy Navratris 2015 To Everyone


Metaphysics Knowledge wishes Very Happy Navratris to all our viewers. A few lines dedicated to Maa: The Shakti on this pious occasion.

Let us celebrate the navratris with all the pomp and show

Everything you wish for, is just within reach at stone’s throw

Pray to Shakti which supports the entire universe, awaken it will bless

Offer whatever you can as per your capacity, doesn’t matter more or less

The Mother treats everyone as Her child, for Her no one is a sinner

If you are able to realize this, in this life and beyond you are a winner

Even Lord Shiva is lifeless without Shakti, the Maa permeates all corners of srishti (creation)

Yet only a few are able to realize this truth, a few have this pious drishti (sight)

Let us resolve in these Navratris that we will follow a pure, holy and pious life

It will help you to overcome all problems, you will be in joyful state, will forget all strife

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