We wish everyone a very Happy Valentine’s Day
May your life be filled with love we just Pray
Also more importantly we wish that you could learn
That the love which is meant is the true soul yearn
This happens when the mind is so pure and free of lust
For in the modern times, it has been wrongly thrust
The young generation believes in love as a bodily pleasure
That is the only parameter and that is the only measure
However true love has nothing to do with either gender
It surpasses the flesh, for it is beyond the sensory splendor
The true love can only exist within a soul and its creator
It is only when you realize that this entire world is a threatre
Only when you see the same spirit in all forms living and throw the sword
That you celebrate the Valentine’s day in the true sense of the word
So let us hope that the world understands the true meaning once again
Until then it is just a commercial festival celebrated for material gain
If possible just go out with a mind filled with love for all poor and downtrodden
Visit those whom humanity has left at their own fate and have been forgotten
Feed someone who is on the street and does not have even a square meal
If you fill your own stomach and your GF’s what is the big deal
It is only when you think selflessly that the God within you is bit awake
That is the only deed which should be repeated so that you can shake
The slumber within you will only break from this shaking if it is constant
The moment you realize this is the true valentine moment and instant