Thesedays there is a lot of difference of thoughts between the generation that is growing up and the mature generation. Previously going to Satsangas was considered as a very pious thing and it was not questioned by many people. However the kids and teens of today are hardly seen at such gatherings and if their parents or relatives ask that they should go to satsang and listen to some good thoughts, the instant reply comes: “I already know what they preach there, why should I waste my time. I should be going to some party or outing with my friends”.
In such a situation the elders either scold them or just leave them alone. Both these things are not good but it should make sense and logic for the current generation is that of a scientific bend of mind. So let us try to see this issue from a perspective which is appealing to both the generations.
What is Satsang?
First of all let us define what is a satsang? Normally for people in western hemisphere this might be a strange term but basically it is a combination of Sat + Sang meaning Truth + Association. So basically it refers to a gathering where people gather with the motive of listening to good thoughts. In India and countries having similar culture the Guru is treated with respect and is usually seated on a higher platform and the other people are seated on ground and listen with pin drop silence.
Of course the pin drop silence is an ideal situation and many people these days do not keep silence but keep talking or conversing on mobile.
Importance of Satsang
It is an old saying that five fingers make a punch. Basically it means that the collective strength of a group is much greater than the individual strength of each member of that group. The same goes for the state of mind. We, the common people, involved in everyday household chores and materialistic duties and not having much time or intentions to follow stringent practices or regular routines of the spiritual path do not have a strong mind. We usually get doubtful very often and spend most of our energies in other pursuits.
In a satsang hundreds, thousands or even lacs of people gather at one place and even if each of them has the slightest of vibrations related to the same purpose of knowing the truth, the combined effect is certainly a great one. In this atmosphere it is easy to absorb what is being said, even if we might think we know the truths already. It is a difference between knowing and realizing and even though true realization will come with practice, a strong intention can only be generation in such an atmosphere to follow such pursuits.
Tips to attend a satsang
Try to be regular even if not every other week or even month but still sometimes do take out time.
Whenever you manage to go, forget about the duties and responsibilities that keep your mind occupied, at least for the time you are in the satsang. You might think it is bad but it is not, infact when you focus back again, you will perform them with even better efficiency.
Keep an open mind, if you goto a satsang with purpose of finding faults you better stay at home. Remember you are going there for your own development, not for the Babaji.
There are many incidents which shake the faith of people like the recent incidents, but despite that remember that people can falter, but truth cannot. Even if there are millions of dhongi babas, it does not mean that spirituality is fake and truth does not exist.
Benefits of satsang
If you keep attending satsang regularly, you will develop a calm and peaceful mind.
You may not see immediate benefits but it acts like a homeopathic medicine, the results start to be produced at the base of the problem even without you realizing it.
The real benefit is not about being regular or religious but the real spirituality will dawn when your mind starts to function in a manner when you start doing practices like yoga, meditation etc. This will bring the real benefits. You might say you can simply do at home but remember last time you did yoga or meditation. So it is like attending a conference where you listen to experience of the Babajis and then come back and do on your own by getting inspired.
Cautions of satsang
Do not become dogmatic or fundamentalist but keep an open mind.
You can gently suggest your family members, parents, children, siblings or spouse to accompany you but do not force anyone, they have their own time for everything in life and it will come at right time
Do not gossip even if you go with friends or family. Sit separately and listen to the satsang.
Sometimes there are shops of different kinds at such gatherings. Of course nothing wrong in that but try to avoid eating too much or combining the purpose of picnic and satsang in one. You can picnic at a separate place or different day, no harm in that but when you go, do with all your heart