Navratris is the time to worship the feminine form of the divine and Mother Nature
A look at the various forms of the shakti roopa gives and indication of Her stature
No one can mess around when Maa, the shakti permeates and evil trembles
The most innocent looking Mother Nature becomes so fierce no one resembles
The nine forms of Maa Shakti are worshiped on the nine days by keeping a fast
Yet it is amazing how you can survive and be energetic till the day’s moment last
Be it the Durga, Brahmcharni or the Maa Kaali, the destroyer so fierce and furious
A true bhakta is not afraid of any of Her avatars, but just remains blissful and curious
The Mother can manifest Herself in many forms be it the light in the form of Divine
Whatever be the circumstances She will care for you, and certainly make you shine
Believe and have faith, do not falter, for faith has the power to move mountains immense
There are no clouds which She cannot protect you from, no matter how dense
Return to me says the Mother Divine do not get indulged in worldly pleasures and pain
That is the main motivation which will keep you moving towards Me and just be sane
Editor’s Note: The image in the post is symbolic of the faith materialized in the form of light and is actually the internal vision which has been projected outside