Hinduism is one of the oldest religions of the world. Many people have different reasons to support how Hinduism survived for so long. According to us the main reason for this has been the fact that Hinduism can be made into a thought process and you can make it a part of your daily life. Most of the rituals and traditions that Hinduism follow are scientific and can help us live a better life.
The Concept of Visiting Temples
Visiting temples has been an integral part of Hinduism. The traditions say that we must visit temples every day. We will in this article discuss the science and logic that was behind the concept of visiting temples.
You may say that traditions are old and they cannot be followed in today’s world. However, just give a deep thought to the traditions and try to look beyond them. When you are distressed and upset just try to follow some of these traditions and you will see how effective they actually are. Faith can indeed move mountains.
Temples are places of worship. India has a number of these temples across the country. These temples are dedicated to different Hindu gods and goddesses. Some of these temples are very old and have a legend behind them. Some temples are new and more modern. The traditions say that temples must be built as per the Vedic customs. However, we must accept here that not all temples in India are built as per the Vedic pattern.
If you pick up the Vedas you will get to know the guidelines that were set for building temples such as these:
- The temples must always be built in a place where the magnetic wave of the earth passes densely. This will ensure that the temple has a lot of positive energy. You will notice that when you visit some very old temples you will automatically feel a sense of peace even if there is chaos all around you.
- First the idol is placed. The idol must be placed where the magnetic waves of the earth are strongest. The remaining of the temple was built only after this. This would ensure that the devotees feel blessed and at peace when they are inside the temple.
- You will also notice that the idol of the lord in all these temples is placed on a copper plate. Copper as we all know today is a metal that can absorb the magnetic waves and also radiate it around them. You must have noted one more Hindu tradition and that is walking around the idol of the lord. We all do it but have you ever asked why we move in a clockwise direction around the idol. The answer is simple. This copper plate on which the lord is placed vibrates the magnetic waves of earth and as you move around the idol you absorb these waves and benefit from them. When a person visits a temple regularly he or she will be benefitted by these waves and will get positive vibes. You will also notice that copper vessels are always used to worship in Hindu temples. The logic is the same.
- The mandir or the enclosure inside which the idol is placed is closed from all the sides. You will never see an idol that is not kept inside an enclosure. When this enclosure is made the power of these magnetic fields become even stronger. A lamp is placed in front of the idol all the time. This lamp radiates the heat energy and at the same time it also lights the idol. There is another reason for it too. As soon as you open your eyes after prayer it should fall on this lamp. This will activate your light senses. The temples were dark from inside traditionally so the impact was more.
- The priests will ring bells as they worship the idol you must have noticed this too. When bells are rung loudly and along with it you hear the chanting of the priests you tend to get into a trance and you forget about all your worries. The bells are designed in such a way that they have the ability to create a sound that can unite the left and the right brain. This moment you forget all your stress and you are more open to receiving the positive vibes. This is also why people prefer to visit temples during the aarti time. It is the aarti time when loud chanting of mantras and ringing of bells fill up the temple. The positive vibes at this time in the temple is the maximum and you can get the maximum benefit of visiting a temple at this time.
- Today we all believe that aroma therapy is useful and it can help us in healing. This is the same concept that was used in these temples thousands of years back. As soon as you get inside the temple you will smell flowers and agarbatti. Every temple has its own smell that is indeed divine. This smell gives a chemical energy that has the ability to create a good aura.
- Whenever we visit a Hindu temple we have noticed the priest giving charnamrit. It is a holy water that is made of sugar, honey, coconut water, curd and apart from these some other stuff can also be added. It is kept again in a copper dish. This water can be very good for health and keeps cold away.
- Another interesting fact that you must have noticed. Most of these temples are old and not that you can see people cleaning them regularly. Still you will find that there are no insects or dust inside these temples. Whereas if you do not dust your houses for a few days they become so dusty. The reason is the bells in the temples. The temples have bells and all the devotees will ring the bell as they visit. The vibration of the bells does not allow any insects to stay in the temple for long. Similarly it also keeps dust away.
- The idol we worship in temple is actually of no importance. As we have explained so far it is the vibrations. Still the idol is made beautifully and is decorated. This is to ensure that it attracts the attention of the devotee and they can focus on something. When you pray in this state your mind is powerful and it works on getting you a solution to your problem. As you pray you start to believe that nothing is impossible thanks to the positive vibe of the temple. This eventually helps in fulfillment of all prayers.
- You must sit in the temple for some time. This will ensure that you get the most of the positive vibes. The traditions say that you must visit the temple before you start your day or a new task. This will get you blessed and ensure that your day goes well as well as you get success in the task you are doing.
- It is a tradition in India to go into a temple without footwear. Well there is science behind this too. Leather can conduct the magnetic vibes that you enter the temple for. The olden temples were built is such a way that the floor would conduct the magnetic fields and pass it on to the visitors. If you do not wear footwear inside the temple your body will be able to conduct this energy better. Apart from these shoes carry dirt and it can give negative energy to the temple. This is why devotees are told to take shower and wear clean clothes before they go to a temple.
- The temple visit is incomplete unless you do a parikrama of the whole temple. After you visit the idol inside the temple all your five senses are active and at this stage when you go round the temple you tend to make the most of the positive energy that is coming from the idol.
- The blowing of the conch shell is an integral part of Hindu tradition. The sound that comes out of the conch shell is considered as strong as the “OM”. it is the purest and the most powerful sound in the universe and can immensely help the devotees who visit the temple. This sound gives positivity to the devotees and also gives them new hope.
We hope that this article will help you to understand the science of visiting temples better. It will also help you to ensure that you make the most of your temple visits. These traditions are not that silly after all. They all have a meaning and when you know it your respect for these traditions increase manifold.