Shadow Image of Lord Ganpati by Anil

Shadow Image of Lord Ganpati by Anil


The above image of Sri Ganesh Ji as shown in the shadow on the wall is a work of art by a unique artist Sana Anil Kumar who is fond of making such shadow images using simple household items and arranging them in a particular manner and projecting light from one end so that the shadow comes out beautifully on a surface at the opposite side.

This time at the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi he decided to make this beautiful image of Lord Ganesa. Metaphysics Knowledge admires the talent of such a young lad and we urge you to share this image as far as possible so that this artist gets noticed by maximum people.

A few lines dedicated to this image

It is time Ganesa enters our home, our life and our thought

Just remember and thank for the Blessings He has brought

People pay homage to the Lord in different acts and form

Yet some do it in a unique way, thinking different from the accepted norm

This is one such act of pious respect where a shadow image of Ganpati was made

It was done from a purely devotional point of view, there was no deal or trade

We should recognize such people who have some unique talent in their hand

We should try to ensure they receive the credit for they have a magic wand

Just share this image as much as  you can for the sake of this creative lad

You small contribution by sharing will do good, even if it is just a tad

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