Whatever may be the differences, at the end the body gets consumed by fire
Whether it is the richest or poorest, they all finally end up at the altar of pyre
The true yogi and Saint does not wait for the day when prana Yam does snatch
And there are normal karamyogis who by their deeds, the Saints they do match
When such a soul leaves this planet the people do remember and strongly wail
Yet the soul has already floated, in the infinite ocean it has set sail
It will again regain the earthly form, but you never know what, when and how
Isnt it such a beauty in grief, it is such an amazing thing to know, o wow
For then the pain vanishes once we know that nothing can destroy
It is just a delusion by satan, the change in form is just a decoy
The consciousness can never vanish, in universal spirit it will just merge
When the karmic accounts get active, from the calm heap it will resurge
Let us learn from the funeral pyre, let us take this lesson for life
One day it will all end, whether its full of happiness or strife
So why muddle too much in local joys, there is infinite joy within
That no one can snatch from you, will remain through all thick and thin
While you have breaths left, just be grateful for you never know which is the last
That day you will leave without any fuss, all of yours will just be past
Even if you dont go in anyone’s happiness, dont miss such occasion just make sure
For the pyre fire is a thing so holy, it will make your mind certainly a bit pure
The holy fire which burns the body, will also take away some of your negative vibe
Just make sure you dont merely live, but you are fully awake and alive
Just Pray that when the time comes, when the body is engulfed in flame
That your soul shines due to your karmas, else you are only one to blame
With this Prayer we close this poem, let the Almighty grant strength to all
Let everyone’s veil of ignorance be broken, let them climb the insurmountable wall