The world that we know today started billions of years ago. Today science knows a lot about how this all started. However, there are still a lot of mysteries that we don’t know about. There are lot of theories that discuss how the universe might have started. One of the most popular theories is of the big bang. The most popular belief is that the world was started by God, Almighty or whatever name we might like to call it, even nature.
Most religions also mention that the day will come when God will end this marvellous creation of his. This day is called the judgement day or the doomsday. We will now discuss the end of the world predictions in more detail. There have been many predictions made about the doomsday in the past. None of these have come true so far. We will now discuss some predictions about the future.
End of the World Predictions
i) The earliest doomsday prediction is for 2020. Jeane Dixon has predicted that during this year Jesus will return to earth and there will be doomsday. Jesus will fight with the evil forces and as a result the earth will end.
ii) The next prediction is for 2021. This prediction was made by Beshore. He said that as per Bible Jesus will return on earth and doomsday will occur. As per Beshore this will be the year when the world will finally end. His theory is widely accepted too.
iii) The year 2045 is considered to be a year of doom. This was predicted by Ray Kurzweil. He said that during this year technology will advance so much that there will be no difference between man and machine. This is exactly why there will be a lot of wars between the man and the machine and finally the world will end. As there will be no humanity left the earth will perish.
iv) 2129 is the year when the world might end. This is because quranic commentary that is mentioned in the abjad there was no mention beyond this year. This prediction of doomsday comes from Islam.
v) In 2240 there may be a calamity that would end the world. This is as per the Talmud of Judaism. According to them six thousand years from the day Adam was born the messiah will be back. Another thousand years from there the world will end. This roughly comes to 2240. The earth will end and all life will perish.
vi) 2280 is the next year that is expected to bring doom to the whole world. According to the research done by Rashad Khalifa his research on Quran proves that the world will end in 2280.
Environment and Destruction
These are some spiritual predictions of the doomsday. We cannot be very sure if these will come true. However, on the other hand the way man is polluting the earth and using its resources the day is not far when the world may end. The increasing level of carbon dioxide and global warming proves that the day is not far when the world may end. The temperature of the earth has increased a lot. A number of species have already become extinct. Logically speaking too it is sure that the world cannot exist for long.
The Scientific View
We will discuss what the scientists predict about the end of the world predictions. These predictions are based on scientific research. The year 500,000,000 as per James Kasting the level of carbon dioxide will reduce to such an extent that to survive we will have to leave earth or perish here.
The scientists also believe in another theory that the sun will become hotter as a result it will destroy earth. It will become like a red ball. The temperature on earth will become so high that life will not be able to survive here. Either we will have to leave the planet or die with it.
In 22,000,000,000 years the scientific theory believes that the universe will expand so much that it will tear apart due to the continual expansion. This theory is also called the big rip theory. The scientists also believe that the universe has an age of its own and it will end one day. The end will be such that it will not be able to sustain life.
These are the various ends of the world predictions. Some of them are propounded by spiritual leaders and some are by scientists. You can believe any one of these theories. Well how far they are true only the future can answer that.
A Logical Conclusion
We must mention here that the world will definitely end someday. We all can try to preserve the environment and ensure that the world survives a little long. So far all the research done has not explored a single planet where life can exist. We can only expect that there is another universe with another earth. Till we find that lets take care of the one that we have. Perhaps this might be the only earth in the universe. A little caution can ensure that this planet survives few more years.