These lines are meant to describe the relative situation of three types of people Jawans (soldiers), Kissan (farmers) and Insaan (common man) and who deserves what from the government. Please note that this poem does not mean to disrespect any one of the above as they are all integral part of our system but it is only based on reality of the situation.
In the days of the yore, Jai Jawan Jai Kissan was the slogan given by our great Lal
It is obvious that they are the breadwinners and protectors of society from kaal
The soldiers certainly deserve all the respect and the salutations from the common man
Similarly the farmers grow food for us to eat, so we are their mighty fan
If we consider the relative position of a solder, farmer & common man vis-a-vis each other
The farmer acts as the breadwinner, so they are equivalent to the society’s mother
The solider stands out day and night, protecting us more than any solid and great wall
But for their sacrifices and valour, we cannot stand independently, but will surely fall
Yet the common man is the basis of all society, they are really the base
The others just exist to serve them, this is actually the ground level case
Without the common man the society would not exist, nor would it progress ahead
It is only at the cost of this common man, that entire system is live and not dead
We have to consider the benefits given to each one of them relative to lowermost strata
If we consider along those lines, the soldiers are relatively elite, so says the data
Thousands of farmers take their lives each year due to non payment debt or loan
Even the common person is in a plight while they elect governments to throne
A soldier is well paid, even gets pension after retirement for the entire life
Even if God Forbid some eventuality happens, it takes care of parents, kids and wife
What is the security of a common man who forms the very society out of which appear
Why is that common man so faceless, and has to live in constant poverty and fear
So the others should be happy with the privileged position that they live and enjoy
A true soldier will only serve without expectation, if they dont its just a ploy
Some tasks were only meant as service to humanity, never earlier they were a profession
To be a soldier was out of patriotism and concern for fellow humans, in history’s each session
Let us all focus more on those who really deserve more in the pitiful state that they belong
For others live is still quite easy and secure, even if not entirely a sweet song
So let us change the slogan a little, Jai Jawan and Jai Kissan are certainly great
Yet adopt the slogan of Jai Insaan, for it is high time they are heard, those bereft of fate