We at Metaphysics Knowledge usually keep away from political stuff no matter how big the issue or important the debate. Yet at some places it can be seen that spirituality, religion, politics and life intermingle to such an extent that it is difficult to see it in isolation so here we are with our views on the recent US polls which got over today.
The Spiritual Connection
You might jump at the conclusion that we will talk about Trump but basically we ant to talk about the philosophy behind it and its relation to spirituality. Any person unless he or she is a hermit and lives in the himalayas, has to fulfill the duty of voting and people in the US are no exception. Hence how would a spiritual person view this change, let us find out in these few lines
The Trump Effect
A true leader is one who sticks to some principles and values no matter what
Whether a male or a female, he or she should be of high character not a slut
He should have love for everyone in his heart, there should not be any hate
For if such a person gets elected, only Allah knows what will be the nation’s fate
Yet the people have chosen someone who displayed insanity at so many a time
That now one can only wait and watch what will occur next with a glass of lime
Sometimes the face put forth in the campaign is just to please the voters and not true
May the Supreme Power ensure that this hatred does not spread in the world through
Whatever has happened cannot be changed for it is set to be on the course of history for sure
We can only Pray that He now guides the nation with a true mind and a heart which is pure
When one sits on the throne, then the views changes as the perspective changes from above
Even one who seemed ferocious and cunning like a wolf may actually turn out to be a dove