Leaders are many, very powerful and full of might
Yet only a few shine like a burning sun so bright
He was a personification of determination and iron will
What he achieved was none less than a climb up a steep hill
Fighting literally all alone with the powers that be in this Earth
It requires a very special person who as gift of courage by birth
For we the ordinary mortals will just shirk the very thought
We often tend to give up when things around tend to get hot
Yet only a few have the courage to succeed despite all odds
Hundreds of attempts to take his life by all means & frauds
Yet he lived to the ripe old age of 90, proving all is in His hand
If HE does not want, no power can even just bend your hair strand
Let us take a lesson from his life and remember what he taught
Never to give up against all odds, he always stood and fought
We should be like this person, always full of life and zeal
If you want to succeed just forget the past, let your wounds heal
Work hard and success will lie at your feat asking for a ride
It is at such time that you can take success in your stride