Success means different to different people. Some feel that earning more money makes them successful. Some feel that growing up corporate ladder is success. To students success is the ability to get better scores. Success may mean anything to different people but the meaning of success remains the same. It is the ability to do something the way we want. The ability to do something differently and to achieve what seems to be impossible. We will now discuss mantras for success in life.
See the Fish: with Arjuna’s Eyes
The first mantra for success in life is to set the goal. When you have a goal set it will be easier for you to reach that goal. The goal may seem impossible at times. However, you must not lose hope and you should set it. Some goals may seem very difficult in the beginning to achieve. Try to make them more realistic. For example if you want to lose twenty kilos. Your aim should be to first lose two kilos in two weeks and then reach twenty kilos in a span of 7 months. If you set unrealistic targets you will not be able to get success and become disheartened.
Always B+
The second in the mantras for success in life is to be positive. Be positive in your thoughts. Never let any negative thought come into your mind. Always make yourself belive that the target that you have set is achievable and you will get it. This will make you confident and help you get better results.
Wow (& Vow)
The next mantra to success in life is to get inspired. Always ensure that you read books that inspire you. Your thoughts should be clear. The books you read must be written by philosophers and writers who have achieved great deal in life. This will help you feel positive and make you believe that nothing is impossible. The more difficult your aim is the stronger should be your inspiration.
Never Say Die
Another mantra for success in life is that you must ensure that you don’t give up. If there is failure don’t lose heart. You must keep trying. Swami Vivekananda once said that when you dream see it with your heart. Don’t use your mind in dreaming. This is because the mind will tell you how impossible your dream is but your heart will not do that.
Heart will make you fall in love with the dream this is exactly why your heart will not show you the impossibilities it will only tell you how you can reach your goal. Swami Vivekananda was a scholar. His books can be a great inspiration to all those who want to follow impossible dreams. Dreams are the most important dream in success. A person who cannot dream big cannot succeed.
The Universal Force Factor
Spiritual angle to success cannot be neglected. A person must be spiritually inclined in order to get success. What we mean by spirituality is that you must think good and do well to others. The Upanishads say that if a person attains success by a false means he or she will fail in the long run. If you cheat, you use illegal means, etc. Then perhaps you can attain success easily. However, you must keep in mind that this success will be short lived and you will not be able to enjoy the fruits of it for long. Honesty is a very important mantra for success in life. It is true that with honesty you may take longer to reach your goal but the success that you will get will be with you forever.
Shortcut: Big No
There is no short cut to success. You have to work hard and you have to put all your efforts. You must ensure that your goal is fixed and you do all that you can to achieve the same. Don’t give up your patience. The more you follow your dream will all your heart the closer you will get to your goal.
The Religious Perspective
On religious terms the mantras for success in life are simple. Before you start any work do puja of lord Ganesha. Ganesha is Siddhi (siddhi in Sanskrit mean success). It is said that if lord Ganesha bless you your success is guaranteed. We recommend that you keep an idol of the lord in your house always. Pray to the god every day before you start the day. You can also give clothes and money to the poor. This will ensure that you get success in life. The vedas say that good deeds and bad deeds have their own impact in our lives. If you do well to others you will get blessings and these blessing will protect you. Some blessings are so powerful that they can help you even in your next birth. So please do well and seek blessings from all.
Mantras for success in life also state that if you feed Brahmins then their blessings can help you to attain success. You can visit astrologers and numerologists. These people have knowledge. They can read your palm and your planetary positions. As per the study they can advise you what you must do in order to get success in life. There are some stones that you can wear which may help you to reach your goals better. You can definitely use these to get success. The numerologists can tell you the numbers that are lucky for you. With these numbers you can change the numerology of your name and as a result you can attain success in your work faster and better. We at meta-physics have a team of well qualified astrologers and numerologists who can help you to achieve success in life. We can also recommend the pujas that you need to do to ensure that your work is completed.
I hope you found this article on mantras for success in life interesting and useful. We wish you all the best for your future. We hope that with these tips you will be able to achieve success faster and sooner than you thought. All the best! love your dreams.