In few of our earlier posts about hypnotism, we have already discussed all about a number of aspects concerning hypnotism. The base of hypnotism, we have seen, is the mind that we can influence others. It is, therefore, all the more necessary that our mind is idea-free as far as possible. For the idea-free mind gives greater strength and assumes a more effective capacity to influence others.
Force Behind Pran Shakti
An idea-free mind is also the generating principle of pran shakti. Indeed this energy is very essential in our life, for it not only ensures total dissociation of ideas from the mind but also vests our face with a divine glow-a striking appearance which creates a profound and lasting impact on others. It also helps increase a special kind of magnetic power also given an unusual brilliance to our eyes which is as helpful to influence others.
It is, therefore, very important that we preserve and strengthen this energy in our system.
In the preceding posts we have also discussed how we can gain control over the mind of the other person or how we can induce in him hypnotic sleep and how we can make him amenable to our purposes through hypnotic sleep. We have already discussed the various stages in hypnotism. One can always get success in the very first stage. In the third stage, however, one ca n accomplish perfect success. For instance if the surgeon operates upon a hypnotised person, the latter will feel no pain whatsoever.
So far have discussed the methods to hypnotise other. But it has a tremendous potential to accomplish self-hypnotism too. For one could confront and weaken and also eliminate many physical ailments and mental maladies through hypnotism. If at all we achieve the technique of self-hypnotism, we can as well cure ourselves of similar ailments and maladies and derive a lot of benefits.
They hypnotist can hypnotise others. Following the same principle he can hypnotise himself.
Experiments on Self Hynosis
# 1
As far as possible make your mind idea-free. Try also to make your brain thought-free. When you have obtained this state of being you can set in the process of self-hypnotism.
Early in the morning or evening practise shirshasana for a few minutes. It will give you a lot of help to bring about an idea-free mind. After this stage, sit cool and collected on an asana for some time and fix your eye steadfastly in a certain direction. This part of the exercise will cool the sensual desires if any, in you.
After this stage try to rouse your inner mind, and suggest to your inner mind that you getting sleepy, your eyes have gone very heavy and you are about to fall asleep soundly. Forestall at this stage all other thoughts seeking to rise in your mind. Fix your one-point concentration only on sleep.
Gradually your inner mind will start receiving your suggestion. It will make you amenable to fall asleep. As a help to this process you better lie down actually. You may fall asleep while sitting. It will, however, not be a natural sleep. It will only be hypnotic sleep. You will lose yourself in this sleep. For you do not have any control over your inner mind at this stage. Make sure that as you are about to fall asleep, you will suggest to your inner that you must wake up in an hour all by yourself.
Let there be no mistaking about the fact that you yourself will wake up all on your own in an hour.
The hypnotic sleep will prove to be very soothing and sweet. You will seem as though you are floating on high waves and you are in motion in a charming world. You will be liberated from all kinds of mental tension and you will experience a special kind of delight.
# 2
In the evening or at night when you gone through all activities of the day you lie down like a dead body, loosening all parts of the body.
At this stage you suggest to your inner mind that a hypnotist is standing right in front of you and that he is trying to hypnotise you. In the same way you suggest to your inner mind that the hypnotist is asking you to go to sleep, and that as he informs so your eyes are getting pretty sleepy and you are prone to fall asleep. He also informs that you are going have a sound sleep and that you will automatically wake up in an hour.
You will see that the suggestion itself bring about sleep and that you wake up in an hour.
# 3
In the day time or at night you spread out an asana in any of your rooms and take seat on it with steadfastness. Try to concentrate your mind. After this stage try to suggest to yourself that you are feeling sleepy. The hypnotic sleep is getting better of you. Your eyes are already feeling very heavy. You are having a sound sleep.
If you regularly practise this exercise at a fixed time you will find that at the same time regularly you will start feeling sleepy. You will go to sleep automatically. This kind of sleep is very soothing and sweet.
# 4
At noon spread your asana and take seat comfortably. Place a mirror in front of you. You will see your face in bold outline. When you see your face reflected in the mirror, you close your eyes. Try to advance your face. However you must make sure that your eyes remain fully closed. Remember you are seeing your face mentally.
The moment your face will go out of your mental sight you will start entering the realms of hypnotic sleep. Soon the hypnotic sleep will overtake you.
# 5
Cool and collected lie down on bed. Start chanting a mantra. Make sure that the mantra is not longish. You can, for instance, chant Ram-Ram or something as short as this. In the initial stage chant Ram hundred times per minute. Now you slowen your speed. Gradually chant Ram twenty times a minute. This will increase the gap between one Ram and the subsequent Ram. Make sure that no other thought crosses your mind at this time.
As you will continue to slowen speed, the time-gap between the two words will increase, which will certainly contribute to making your mind totally idea free. The widening of the time-gap is very conducive to the dissociation of your mind from ideas.
It is during this process of dissociation that you will come under hypnotic spell. You will start feeling sleepy and in a few moments you fall asleep soundly.
# 6
Lie down on bed at night. Let diverse thoughts occupy your mind. If at all you find some of the many thoughts slipping away from your mind, you try to bring in more thoughts making it a veritable crowd of thoughts.
After some time your mind and brain will feel totally tired because of the pressure of the ever-new thoughts assailing them. Being tired they will try to go to sleep. Your eyes, as a result, will feel rather heavy. The sleep you are put to at that time is nothing but hypnotic sleep.
This experiment has very successful. It does not involve any great effort. If you try as suggested you will asleep in a few moment. When the mind gets cluttered up with a multiplicity of ideas, it begins to feel tired. The feeling of tiresomeness drives all ideas from the mind. The brain as also the mind is made fully devoid of all thoughts and ideas. As a result you fall asleep.
Benefits of Self Hypnotism
One cannot but ask what are the benefits of self hypnotism. Of course there are some benefits when we hypnotise others. For instance we can ask him a number of questions. We can ascertain the ideas which lie dormant in his mind. Could we achieve anything from self hypnotism? When we hypnotise ourselves, who is there to ask questions and who us there to elicit answers?
There is an easy way out. When you hypnotise yourself you better tell your inner mind what all you want to know. This suggestion should be made shortly before you hypnotise yourself. At the same time you also suggest to the inner mind that you must remember the knowledge you have acquired even after you are restored to consciousness. When, after this stage, you get into hypnotic sleep, your inner takes care to remember your questions. When wake up, you being to remember the answers to your questions.
Other Benefits
Self hypnotism ensures us many additional benefits:
- It cures our mind of headache, inferiority complex, imaginary fears, etc.
- When you are self-hypnotised, you obtain strength in your thoughts. When the mind thought-free, it strengthens your memory. It gives release from habits such as smoking and contributes to release from all bad habits.
- It cures you of insomnia.
- You gain in self-determination it improves your will power.
- It secures your mind concentration.
- Your idea gain in creativity. This helps you gain a special strength and success in life.
- It gets you release from all kinds of worries, and makes your life amenable to higher pursuits.
- Through self hypnotism you see yourself. You recognise yourself and you come to know your own weak points and what you are, in essence.
In short, self hypnotism gives man a new self-confidence, which contributes to immense success in life.