Humans have to learn a lot from the innocent animals so mature
Even if they seem dangerous they are innocent, and very pure
It is only to defend themselves they rarely or seldom bite
Unlike humans who cut other throats just for a petty kite
When people are busy forgetting humanity day by day
Love is the universal language, that is ever going to stay
This is the inspiration which gives us the hope in this age
Just dont let this love disappear, so says the wise sage
In this animal farm of the world, perhaps the savagest is man
So try to be human not an brute, as far as possible, as you can
If you want to imbibe the qualities of an animal just choose wise
Be strong like an Elephant, graceful as Lion, just shun all vice
Be innocent as a Giraffe, yet stand tall without any fear
Be polite like a parrot, so that everyone just loves to hear
Be colourful like a Zebra, with stripes shining on the face
And for the humans, only be human if you have the saintly grace