There are many Bill Gates, Manoj and so forth who gave billions in charity and though we are not understating the contribution of these people, what we want to stress is that amount is not as important as the true emotion with which it is given or done. There are people, very ordinary people, who do extraordinary deeds which equal the philanthropy of these giant contributors in the spirit if not exactly in material value. We need to recognize such people too.
One such person is Sandeep Bacche, an autorickshaw puller from Mumbai who gives free rides to the elderly and disabled people and donates a part of his earnings for cancer relief. A few lines dedicated to this unsung hero
It is not always that only the big can do great deeds
It is not always that those we consider small are just weeds
For the small plants may have the power to engulf the Earth
They might be so useful, they are essential for survival by birth
Look at this hero Sandeep for he is doing what is not at all easy
We never think of doing so, for we are usually so tied up and busy
In the eyes of the Lord, his contribution is much more than heap of wealth
Even he does not know, what good karmas he is acquiring in a manner stealth
Surely the law of karma works and will Bless him abundantly in ways unknown
There is no way the Divine does not notice it, he will reap what he has sown
Yet such people dont even care, neither do they work for name or fame
For them its just their inner bliss, for them life is just a wonderful game