Change while you can, for there is still a chance of life
Dont be afraid as there will always be trouble and strife
Whatever you do, do it fully, remember its never too late
Let others think what they should, you decide your fate
Law of karma will ensure that you get what you deserve
Nature will not delay, on a golden platter she will serve
Either good or bad, its upto you, for its your own choice
Despite the noise of the world, there is hidden inner voice
Which urges and guides you to take on the uphill task
Unveil life before you go, dont let it be behind the mask
Meditation is not only about prayers its the work you do
So do it with devotion and faith, it will take you through
The tunnel of darkness into the all freeing shining light
It will be so peaceful, and the path would be so bright
Make sure you spend time with self, you own inner soul
Without this communion, there is no other external goal
That can bring you real happiness for its just a fleeting joy
In the ocean of the world that is your only floating buoy
The Divine will is gentle yet at same time it is so fierce
In order to apprehend it fully, in order for it to pierce
Into your mind and let you know what is the path best
You have to be patient, no matter how it puts you to test
When storm of circumstances calms and you look behind
Anything to regret or repent, you should never see or find