You must have often heard people say that Sanskrit is the most scientific language known to man, and if you know Sanskrit you will be benefited in many ways. Many universities and schools across the world consider Sanskrit as a very important language and the kids have to learn this language well. The irony is that the country that was the origin of this language has hardly any appreciation for this language today. Today we will try to discuss about this language and how it evolved and reached its current form.
The Beginnings
Sanskrit language is the basis of most Indian and European languages. The essence of Sanskrit is in the fact that this language was not developed it was discovered and later was made into a language. In short Sanskrit is a device. It is like any machine that was invented by man. It is a device because we can use it the way we want to and for our own benefit. We call it a device because it was invented by man and it was later used to develop many other languages.
Every item is associated with a sound. Sanskrit is developed accordingly. The concept is same. That is why we say that Sanskrit is not a language that was developed. It already existed in nature and in all the elements that make the universe human just found it and started to use it. That is why it is also considered as the most scientific language.
The Science of Sound
The language of Sanskrit started with some simple sounds and later it got complicated and more and more words started to be used in this language. The sounds are very essential in Sanskrit because it is the sounds that form the basis of this language. All that we see around us is based on sounds. What we write is not important the sound is more important because it is the sound that has given form to what we say. For example sun and son is the same thing if we write them but when we use them and pronounce them the whole meaning changes.
Every sound can be associated with a thing. So this sound becomes the name we give to that thing. So that thing and the sound that is associated with this thing are the same thing. They are related to each other and no way can you differentiate between the two. Not many people understand this language and as a result the importance and the meaning of the language are getting lost. It is important that we make people aware of this language and educate them so that they learn to use this language in an effective manner.
Read about the power of sound here.
Today the language is taught as a subject. People are made to learn the words and recite them. It is not important that you remember the words. What is important is the sound. The sound is the most meaningful thing in Sanskrit. Meanings of these words are just for our mind. What is important is the sounds that we hear and how these sounds justify the existence of all the things that we see around us. When you listen to people talking if you listen carefully you will be able to recognise the sounds and these sounds will take the form of some shapes. These shapes that are formed by the use of these sounds is important and this is the connection that we need to understand to appreciate the essence of Sanskrit.
If you look at Sanskrit as the language of the sounds you will be able to understand the language better. This will also help you understand why it is the oldest language known to man. You will also be able to understand why Sanskrit is considered to be the most scientific language. Sanskrit is effortless. It is very closely associated with the nature and its elements. There is nothing that you have to learn about Sanskrit. It is very natural. Just spend a few hours with the language and you will understand what we are trying to say.
Future Course
We must encourage the generations to come so that they learn this language. It is important that we know the meaning and essence of this language. Many say that it is a very complex language. Some will also argue what is the need to learn an old language like this. However, it is extremely important that we understand what this language is all about. Many people are of the opinion that Tamil language is also derived from Sanskrit but that is not true.
Sanskrit and Tamil are absolutely different. However, Tamil language is also based on the same theories and sounds that Sanskrit is based on. Experts are of the opinion that there is a possibility that Tamil is older than Sanskrit language.
This is some facts that one must know about this ancient language that is slowly and gradually losing its charm and importance. We hope that this article will help the readers to understand and appreciate the importance of this language and you will be able to follow the language better. We recommend that everyone must try to learn this language so that they can understand the essence of human life itself and how we humans are connected with nature and the super power.