The story of this great man certainly defies history and time
It is an eternal tale of courage and will, a perfect rhyme
This goes to show how the will power can literally move mountains
In extremely dry and arid lands, there can be the fountains
He did not have any authority, nor any manpower or any money
Even the very thought of cutting the mountain just seemed funny
But this simple illiterate man from a poor village did what was history
From where he got this energy and motivation is just a sweet mystery
For that is the power of will, when you decide you can do it for sure
Just need to have the determination, your motives should be pure
We salute the human for he exhibited the superhuman form
Did what was considered otherwise against the accepted norm
So whenever you face difficulty or challenges in life shake you a bit
Just remember such stories, will full force let your mind be hit
For it is the dormant mind which needs to be awakened for the goal
It will automatically achieve it all even your ultimate aim, the soul.