The Holy Bible is the most important scripture of the Christians and can be compared to the likes of Bhagwat Gita in Hinduism or the Holy Quran in Islam. Infact if one goes deeper into the study of these scriptures it is found that the underlying truth is the same and is only portrayed in different wordings by the Spiritual Gurus of the times who laid the foundation of these belief systems or religions as we call them. He have already covered the similarities between Quran and Purans in a separate article.
Biblical Studies: Bible Verses for Inspiration
We will not go into indepth study of the Holy Bible in this article but will try to put forth a few Bible verses which have been acting as a source of inspiration for everyone over the centuries. We would take up a few of these verses and see from a practical standpoint how they can help us in getting inspiration for different reasons in life. It must be remembered that there are N number of such inspiring verses in the Bible which cannot be covered in this article in their entirely hence a few random ones have been chosen out of these.
After each of these verses a simple English explanation and significance is given from the point of view of a common person, irrespective of the fact whether he/she is a Christian or not. Infact the beauty of the teachings of the great Masters is that they are applicable across all religions, sects and hold true even today as they stood thousands of years ago.
First Bible Verse for Inspiration
Isaiah 41:10 : Basically this verse gives the power to face all fears in life and not to lose hope and courage. It gives the courage to hold and carry on through difficult circumstances and the hand of God which guides a person during tough times can be symbolically said to represent the own inner strength which comes from own inner self of any human being. Once a person is in touch with his or her inner self that courage and lack of fear is always forthcoming.
Second Inspirational Verse
John 6:47 If we try to comprehend this verse in the light of Vedic knowledge it basically equates to the fact that whoever enters into deep meditation reaches the ultimate goal of Samadhi or moksha which is referred to as the eternal life. Many people confuse this with the physical life (which ends in death) and if you consider from the common sense experience of an everyday person, we possibly would not have seen anyone who lived forever and did not die. Hence this eternal life is basically a spiritual awakening into one’s own self after which the cycle of birth and death ceases, or let us say it becomes meaningless irrespective of outward circumstances. Yet it is not a state of delusion but super conscious awakening which can only be experienced and not described in words
Third Bible Verse for Inspiration
2Corinthians 4:16-18 Again this verse basically resonates with the ancient knowledge of the Orient where the world is said to be in a transitory state while the truth is that what is ultimately perceived within in deep meditation. If followed strictly, this verse leads to a very wonderful life as if a person starts to perceive the material things as transient he or she will start to live in a very different manner and stay away from thoughts of possessiveness, greed and so forth. Infact life would become much simpler and less complicated when this injunction is followed.
Hence we have been in this brief discussion about the Biblical studies and few of the Bible verses for inspiration and compared them in the light of Vedic knowledge that even such a small time study gives a clue about the underlying unity in all religions and their teachings. It is basically only the fundamentalist thought processes that make religion a cause for war and hatred between different sects, otherwise there is no better unifying factor other than religion if applied properly.