Dream analysis has baffled man ever since he began to reason and manipulates his surrounding to suit his requirements, the mystery of dreaming has created mystery in each person’s life and studies aimed at decoding dream mystery are still ongoing. Studies have shown that not only man has dreams but most mammals seem to have them too when they sleep.
Studies show that mammals have been noted to have dreams due to the bigger brain they have with reptiles and other classes of animals showing little to not dream just instinctive reaction due to sound or touch while sleeping or resting. The bigger the brain an animal has the more the dreaming it has. With this now clearly documented, researchers now want to know if there is any link between the dream itself and future events that may have not have happened.
Many researchers link dreams to telepathy, where the soul moves out of the body to visit another place bring back memories of the excursion. Dream analysis investigates this possibility to see if it can be possible for the soul to leave the body and go out but the research is complicated and still ongoing. It may have happened to you in your younger years when you visit a place that is new to you yet you feel as if you have been to that place before. This unexplained phenomenon has been documented in the majority of the population and may be linked to dreaming.
It seems to affect people at a tender age when the mind has fewer thing to think about and begin to phase out as the person enters, at this tender age people shun the idea that it may be true but research shows that the brain may be more active at dream making during this age than in older people due to added responsibilities as one grows older.
Dream analysis has been read and studied for centuries by different cultures around the world that linked dreams to events that would happen in the future; this practice has been carried out for centuries and continues to be done with professionals dream analysis being resorted to when a person has a disturbing dream that may disturb him. Dream analysis or decoding could be referred to as a form of psychological counseling, since the person finding the answer has been startled by the dream they had, resulting in psychological distress for a long time, and just find a answer to the dream helps calm the persons stress concerning the dream.
Dream analysis has been researched up on by many different organizations that feel that it may hold answers to mysteries that mankind is still to solve and dream analysis continues to be mans best answer to what he may see in a dream. Dreams have been identified as the best problem solvers with many researchers finding solutions to problems that had eluded them for a long time in their dreams. Being able to maneuver round a problem and clearly find the solution in a dream proves beyond reasonable doubt that dreams do have connections to the past and present and with these two the future must not be impossible for dreams to venture too, something that dream analysis hopes to decode with research in dreams in the future.