Vastu is the Indian Feng Shui as we all know. It tells about how the houses should be made. There is a scientific reason behind each claim that vastu Shastra makes. Many have used these and have benefited from it too. So learn about some free vastu tips for home today.
A personal example goes back to my teenage. I was fifteen then I could not get good night sleep and as a result became lethargic. One of my dad’s friends was a Vastu expert he once told me that when I sleep then the mirror in my room must be covered.
Mirrors give out negative energy and it is even worse if you face the mirror while sleeping and you reflection is visible in the mirror. I followed that changed the position of the mirror and also covered it. In no time my sleep improved drastically. Since then I have been a firm believer of vastu.
Well in today’s world where we have limited living spaces especially in the urban cities it is difficult to follow all that vastu claims. Nevertheless, we will now give you some free vastu tips for home. These will help you to live a better life that’s for sure.
The first recommendation under free vastu tips for home would be to get a Tulsi plant and place it at the window or veranda if you have one. It will purify the air that enters your house and improve the energy levels of your abode. Always try to keep a small mandir or temple in the house. It is a place where you pray.
This will get your house blessed. When you place the idols or the pictures of the gods just ensure that their faces either face North or North east direction always. This will make your puja more effective. It is not necessary that you know how to do puja. Just light a lamp and agarbatti in front of the gods and pray. This will also impart peace and prosperity to your house. These free vastu tips for home are quite easy to follow.
Vastu Shastra also tells that people should clean their houses and throw away unnecessary things. This ensures a positive vibe in the house. If you are planning to have aquariums in the house then do keep it in the living room only. The direction should south-east corner of the room. Even keeping a television in bedroom is not recommended in free vastu tips for home. You must not keep brooms in the kitchen.
Next in free vastu tips for home we will discuss things that you should perhaps never do. Don’t keep cactus and money plant in your house they are very dangerous for the positive energy flow. If you have a statue of Hanumanji in your house then ensure that you don’t place it in South-East corner of your house.
The doors of the house must be maintained so that they don’t make any sound while opening or closing. If you have beds under a beam try to relocate it. This is not a good position. You should not have any nails that are empty. All nails should have a hanging decorative item. Extra nails must be removed. Don’t keep any photo of violence in the house. Clocks should never be placed on the top of your main door. It can cause a severe harm to someone in your family. The shoes of the family members must be kept at proper shoe shelves. Another big no is not to use a blue bed sheet.
It emits negative energy. For a good night sleeps try to use a white sheet as far as possible. Another useful tip that one can follow for better wealth is keep your valuable in a safe or drawer that opens in the north direction. If you are planning to keep gods in your house then never keep them in the bedroom. Bedroom should also not have any plants. These must be followed even for kid’s room.
Some more very simple free vastu tips for home are that you can keep an idol of Ganesh or Saraswati in your study this will increase your concentration power. If you are constructing your house or buying a new home then you can keep few tips in mind. Never buy a house that has rooms with five corners. They should only have four corners in the ceiling. Avoid a spiral staircase as much as possible. Try to do a bhoomi puja before you build a new home.
Try to design your bedroom in such a manner that the head of the person sleeping is in the east or south east. The house should have a good supply of fresh water and sunlight. North east is a recommended direction for kid’s room as they can concentrate more there. Well these are free vastu tips for home that you can follow only when you construct or buy a new home. Well we would definitely recommend that in case you are constructing a house then you can also appoint a vastu expert who can help you better.
I hope these free vastu tips for home will help you to improve the energy of your house and make your lives better. These may sound simple but believe me that if followed well these can make a huge difference in your life. So what are you waiting for try to implement at least some of these as soon as you can? The common misconception about vastu is that it cannot be implemented easily. However, this is not completely true.
It is not possible to follow all the tips of vastu indeed but you can definitely follow the few that we have mentioned and live a better life. If you look at it closely you will find that it has some principals that are very simple and scientific. For example how can you get positive vibes from a house that is dirty and not organized?
Similarly if you don’t keep your things in the right place then you will not find them on time and this will lead to frustration and anger. It is interesting and I hope you will be able to follow these simple free vastu tips for home and see the difference yourself.