To perceive and see Aura we need to increase the sensitivity of our eyes and improve our coordination between left and right hemisphere in our brain. We have noticed that children see aura much easier than adult because their central vision is not damaged yet but when he starts going to school he gets trained to behave in a certain way and slowly and gradually he loses his Auric sight.
How to see other people Aura
1. Let one person sit in front if you with a very soft white background.
2. Look at one point; may be centre of the forehead is better, often it is called the third eye of the person. In Indian culture, many spiritual people put a dot on that place.
3. Look at that place for 30 to 60 seconds, may be longer.
4. After 30-40 seconds look around you while concentrating on same spot. You must concentrate on the spot and avoid looking around. You will see the background will get brighter than other places. The longer you see the clear it will become. Gradually you will start feeling the vibrations in your eyes.
5. More advanced practice has been done in dark room but that needs more practice.
How to see your own Aura
Stand in front of a full sized mirror, there should not be any shadow and background should be very light and soft. Then focus on your forehead, and look at one point for few seconds. Practice everyday for 15-20 minutes to increase the sensitivity for vibrations. It takes time to develop an auric sight.
Meaning of aura and its color
Our behavior is stereotypical, we lead our lives as per our habits and so called manners, taught by others, so to find out someone’s true nature we have to learn to see their aura. Basically, the brighter and cleaner aura shows more spiritually advanced person he is. The more uniform aura reflects more balanced personality. Although our whole body is surrounded by aura but aura around our head relates with our personality. Generally people have one or two dominating colors in their aura, there are chances that would be their favorite colors too. Moreover, aura changes as our thoughts changes also; that is just for few seconds and fades away as soon as person thoughts changes also.
Purple: it indicates spiritual thoughts.
Blue: blue aura shows the survival skills. It indicates balanced and sustained thoughts. Person can survive even in a jungle. They are true survivors.
Turquoise: shows dynamic and full of energy personality. They are good in multitasking and get bored if have confined in one job.
Green: shows a restful and peaceful personality. In their company people feel relaxed.
Yellow: yellow aura is for people who are very spiritual. Every spiritual should have yellow halo around their head. Buddha and Christ had yellow halo. This color aura shows inner joy, contentment and these people don’t get attach with anyone.
Orange: shows desire of power to control people.
Red: shows materialistic oriented person.
Pink: pink shows balance between materialism and spiritualism, very rare to get on earth.
Brown: materialistic, negative and distracting.
Gray: dark thoughts, negative intensions and depressing.
Sulfur: anger, pain not at ease.
White: it means disease, lack of harmony, death.