Kirlian technology is the only way to register our Aura vibration at present. In 19th century this phenomenon was observed by Nikola Tesla that our body illuminates in certain conditions, but it is coined after the name of Kirlian couple who recorded these images of body glow in 1939 first time in Russia.
When you want to record natural vibration around your body you need some kind of movement, as our body produces static electricity when we touch something; it releases itself. This electricity is part of our bio-energy and it is completely safe to record these vibrations with kirlian technology. You can see parts of your body illuminates in front of your eyes and you can record them with the help of this technology.
Till now it can only take photo of your hands and fingertips due to safety reason. Aura is used in natural therapies and workshops conducted by color vibrations. The glow surrounding your hand and fingers are recorded and used to find out about an individual’s Aura energy.
Although no kirlian camera can record a true color of Aura; but can be artificially colored by using hot and cold spot of your Aura. The most advanced camera is developed by prof.K. Korotkov in St. Petersburgh, Russia. It is possible to see any malfunction of your body and mind before you develop a disease; it can work as a very powerful diagnostic device in medical field. Kirlian technology uses GDV (gas discharge visualization) camera. It can analyze the weakest point of person’s body in few seconds. It can record the response of a patient, doesn’t matter what treatment; he is using. It can be useful to find out if the patient is responding to treatment in a positive, neutral or negative way.
It can compare different therapies and help to choose the best treatment for a sick individual. All living things change their Aura continuously. Prof. Korotkov showed that human aura change continuously 72 hours after death. It seems among other things kirlian technology can be used to detect the reason of death also on the basis of these changes.
It can be used to monitor not only the physical change but changes in mind also, which can give new dimension to study new fields like mind to mind communication, i.e. telepathy. It seems that spiritual healing is just a communication between minds of healer and the patient. With the help of kirlian equipments it will be now possible to enhance training methods of these spiritual teaching and read student’s progress.
It is known that attitude towards treatment is very important in any medical treatment. By using GDV (gas discharge visualization) technique we can record the healing process of the patient, making him aware of his own health.