As we all know that the human body is a very sophisticated machine. It has many components in it that is complex and cannot be explained easily. One such component is the Kundalini. It is a force or Shakti that is found at the end of the spine in every human being. It in Sanskrit means coiled. It is like a serpent that is sleeping and is mostly dormant in all of us. Nevertheless, the Kundalini can rise from the dormant state to a very active one by deep meditation and yoga. We are now going to discuss about the Kundalini awakening symptoms. It is a complex concept that very few people actually know about.
The force is mostly present in all human body but it lies dormant. Some say it is the power of the soul or Atma, some say it is the universal power that connect us to the universe, whatever the thought maybe it is definitely a very strong force that is within us. Now, that you have an idea about what exactly the Kundalini is. I am sure you must be wondering why we don’t feel the presence of this power in our day today life. How can we awaken this power? Well the power as we already explained is a dormant one. Like a sleeping dragon. It can be awaken only by very hard dedication and meditation.
Once you have attained the state where you can feel the Kundalini power within your body you will feel the enclosed symptoms or changes in your body that will make your body strong from within. These are basically termed as the Kundalini awakening symptoms. You will feel a sense of jerk and itching especially in the arms and legs. This is a very common symptom that most of the people who have experienced this feel. The second very common symptom is feeling of an electric wave in the body or an electric shock that starts from the spine and spreads to the rest of the body. Sometime you can also feel a sudden rush of energy that you have never experienced before.
You can often feel an intense heat in the body or a feeling of sweating in some parts of the body. Some also feel a spontaneous pranayama, mudras and bandhas. Interestingly you can also see visions and hear sounds that are associated with the various chakras. Some feel diminished sexual desires after attaining this state. Some may feel an urgent sexual desire, as a result they maybe a feel of orgasm in the whole body. It does sounds strange but both these absolutely opposite sensations have been seen in people.
Some people get emotional and very sensitive. This happens as all of a sudden they might be reminded of some emotions and events that happened in their life but they suppressed them in their subconscious mind. Due to the Kundalini awakening they suddenly feel the same and their emotions come out. Apart from emotional and sensational changes one can even feel a slight headache. They feeling is as though a pressure has all of a sudden developed inside the head. Some may feel a very severe pain in the head like migraine. Irregular heartbeats and increase in the blood pressure levels are very serious after effect of Kundalini awakening. This is exactly why is it not advised to all. This can make people sicker and cause a severe damage to the body. You must discuss your physical condition well with your Yoga Guru before you plan to experience this force within.
We just said that an emotional outburst may happen but on the contrary you can also feel a sudden emotional numbness or a state of coldness. As a result of this you might get drifted from your family and friends. You might want to spend some time in seclusion and away from all these bonding and feeling. This might make you come across as a very cold individual to others and can strain your personal relationships really bad. Depending on the nature of the person the Kundalini awakening symptoms also change. Some might feel a very severe mood swings. Sometimes they will be over happy and sometime they will be so sad that they will cry like a person who has lost someone very dear.
Some people who are sensitive in nature become more sensitive to light, heat and even sound. A little extra heat or light can irritate them and make them upset. Some of them also refrain from touch and avoid any kind of physical touch with others. These changes might be a big shock to the ones who are closely associated with these people. A state of trance is also a very common symptom that is often associated with Kundalini awakening. The people refuse to recognise anyone and want to stay in their own world. They don’t talk to others and they behave as they are mentally in some other place. Some people who have experienced true Kundalini awakening symptoms say they often had disturbed sleep. Either they would not get sleep at all or some would oversleep for hours. Both insomnia and oversleeping are bad for anyone’s health. As a result these people would suffer severe health issues. Some also complained that they lost appetite and just did not feel like having any food. Whereas some people say that they loved to eat and wanted to eat much more than their general appetite was. This makes it quite clear that even physically some people might experience something that is totally different from the others. This too might be because of the fact that different people are different and the same realisation might have an absolutely different effect on the other.
A feeling of bliss and immense happiness is also a very common Kundalini awakening symptoms that many have experienced. They feel very close to god himself and a part of this vast universe. These Kundalini awakening symptoms are also called physio-Kundalini syndrome in scientific terms. These have been compiled by studying the experiences of many people across the world and over the years. There might be some more symptoms apart from these. However, these are by far the most common syndromes and are very commonly associated with Kundalini awakening.
These are the interesting facts about the Kundalini awakening symptoms. I hope you found this article of immense interest and did enhance your knowledge about this rare topic. The aim was to just make you aware of what you can experience in this and how you can handle the same. This will also help you to prepare yourself and your family for this.