A peer (also spelled as pir) refers to a spiritually advanced person and is given a very high reverence in society, or at least was given. There are several places of spiritual importance where the physical bodies of the peers are placed and that is considered a very sacred place. One such place of importance is the Nau Gaza peer. Actually this name refers to two different places as described below.
What Does Nau Gaja Mean?
First of all, let us understand what is meant by the term “Nau Gaza/Gaja”. Basically this is a unit of length and when literally translated it is equivalent to about eight meters in English. So you see that the phrase Nau Gaja Peer consists of three words which have the following meaning
Nau = 9 or nine
Gaja/Gaza = basically a unit of measurement of length
Pir/peer = refers to a spiritually advanced person also known as fakir, murid etc
So now let us see which all places are called by this name and why?
Location 1
The Nau Gaza Peer is locate on national highway one. It is exactly at the border of Haryana and Punjab.
The Nau Gaza Peer is of religious importance to both the Hindus and the Muslims. There is this tomb of the Muslim saint and a temple of Lord Shiva.
People go to both the temple and the mosque to offer prayers. The religious unity is very strong here. It is said that you must visit both the temple and the tomb in order to get your wishes.
Location 2
It is located in Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh and is located at National highway 73. It connects Roorkee in Uttarkahand to Panchkula in Haryana.
The highway is about one hundred and eighty eight meters long. Both the Hindus and Muslims come to the Nau Gaza Peer every day. The unique feature of this tomb is the mazaar that is twenty six feet long.
However, it is said that every time you measure it the length comes out to be different. There are many local stories that are associated with the Nau Gaza Peer.
Stories about 9 Gaja Pir
It is said that the baba used to live here in the 500 A.D. He was a man who performed many miracles in his life time. He followed both Hindu and Muslim religions. At this tomb there is a bridge that is called Naudara that if translated in Hindi means the bridge that leads to nine roads. The tomb is about 37’ in length and the depth is about 15’ below the ground. This is indeed a huge tomb. Perhaps the Baba was not an ordinary man.
The site is a place of tourist’s interest. The Haryana government is promoting this spot to increase tourism in this part of the country. There is a major plan of developing the area and constructing the tomb all over again. This site is as of now under the Aman restaurant committee. They are the ones who look after this Nau Gaza Peer as of now.
However, in the recent few years the area will see some new hotels and other important developments and perhaps some roads too. This is so because a lot of people from all over the country visit this unique peer. It is said that any wish you ask for comes true here. Many tourists face a lot of problem here as there are no good hotels to stay. This is exactly why the government of Haryana is planning to open hotels so that the guests get a comfortable stay near Nau Gaza Peer.
The Nau Gaza Peer is dedicated to Peer Baba Ji as he is known as. Jai Peer baba Ji is what the people coming here address the Peer Baba as. Many passengers and politicians come here on a regular basis. Anyone who crosses this area makes sure that they visit the Nau Gaza Peer. When they visit this tomb the baba blesses them and as a result they reach their destination easily. The legends say that many a times when the taxi drivers lose their way they come to this tomb and get the right direction.
The Lord Sheshjnaga had once appeared here. The animals are fed here on a regular basis. From the bhandar or the ware house every day the animals are fed. Even the sparrows are fed grains here. All those who come here for Darshan get whatever they want. From children to money anything that you ask for here is given by the Nau Gaza Peer.
The propel who visit the Nau Gaza Peer offer the baba clocks, garlands, mustard oil and piece of clothes. The clocks signify that the people who visit this tomb should reach home on time. All these offerings are found in the shops close by to the Nau Gaza Peer.
All these things as mentioned above must be given as offering to the Baba in order to please him and get his blessings. The cloth is used to cover the tomb. It is a nine yards long cloth that is green in colour. The baba was eight meters tall this is exactly why the tomb is eight meters long. The Nau Gaza Peer looks like a normal dargah from inside. There is a fleet of stairs that lead to the dargah. Inside there is dim light and there are lots of clocks inside. These clocks are given by the visitors. Some of the clocks are very special and exclusive. All the clocks are tuned to the same time.
It is said that on a daily basis about fifty clocks are dedicated here. However, it is not possible to keep all the clocks here. This is exactly why some of them are given back to the ones offering them as prasad.
Some are given to the girls getting married so that they can get some financial help. Some are also distributed among the orphanages in the nearby areas. It is not a custom in any dargah to give clocks then how come Nau Gaza Peer has this tradition. It is said that many years ago there was a truck driver who could regularly take the road which crosses the Nau Gaza Peer. Every time he crossed the dargah his truck would break down. He one day offered a clock to the Nau Gaza Peer. That day the journey was interestingly completed on time. Since then this interesting practice started. Slowly everyone started to offer clocks and after sometime there were shops opened near the Nau Gaza Peer that would sell clocks to the ones who wanted to offer them.
Interesting indeed is the story of the Nau Gaza Peer. It is a very unique place of religious importance in India that very few people know about. In case you are planning a trip to these parts of the country then you must ensure that you visit this tomb and make all your wishes come true. Do give the offerings that we have listed above and even a clock to make the offering complete.
Notice & Appeal:
We always try to give best and the most genuine story about any aspects related to Saints and religious people, still sometimes due to different version prevailing it is not possible for us to physically visit or actually verify some of the facts, so for example in this case, we tried our best to give you information and pictures about two places, still if any reader thinks there is a discrepancy, kindly feel free to inform us using contact us form.