Metaphysics Knowledge wishes A Very Happy Birthday to Yoga Guru Sri Sri Paramhansa Yogananda Ji – Founder YSS, India and SRF, USA.
He was one of the pioneers in spreading the message of yoga to the west. A few lines dedicated to his persona
It is rare that a saint of his stature walks among us on this earth
It is for the redemption of all souls that such beings take birth
Life of such persons is a lesson to learn and follow for us all
It is only by following and practicing them, we can stand tall
His love for his country echoed in His poem which He wrote
His sayings were so wise, that each one of them is a quote
All this even you can achieve if you follow what He did preach
Just follow step by step, what was written and what He did teach
Self realization will come to you if you walk slow and steady
One day you will find that to receive the bliss you are ready
Persistence is necessary in worldly matters and in spiritual quest
Your mind will revolt when you start, it will surely detest
For it is difficult to control the mind, even beyond controlling others
Keep calm and keep on moving, consider all as your sisters and brothers
Let us vow on this day that we will try to seek and search within
Only then can we keep moving through all phases, thick or thin